Heart, Self & Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance, and Harmony , Robert Frager, Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, p. 138

Many disciples like to think of their teacher as perfect  ...

Robert Frager

Many disciples like to think of their teacher as perfect, which may artificially boost their sense of self-worth. After all, the disciples of a "perfect master" must be very special. However, this attitude does a real disservice to the teachers, who have to struggle with their own inner limitations and imperfections just like the rest of us.

In one spiritual community I have known, when the so-called "perfect" teacher lost his temper, his disciples would say, "Ah, the master is perfect, so he couldn't have lost his temper. This must be a lesson that he is teaching us. He was only pretending to be angry, for our sakes." This absurd notion put a terrible burden on the teacher and everybody else. Everyone began to pretend that they had no personality faults, that they were just like the false, plaster-saint image they had made of their teacher. When this happens, nothing real can occur, because inner development cannot be based on pretense and unreality.