H.P. Blavatsky on Brahma, Brahman and related concepts
The Theosophical Glossary p. 62, 63 - as given on the Theosophical Classics CD-rom
Brahma (Sk.). The student must distinguish between Brahma the neuter, and Brahmâ, the male creator of the Indian Pantheon. The former, Brahma or Brahman, is the impersonal, supreme and uncognizable Principle of the Universe from the essence of which all emanates, and into which all returns, which is incorporeal, immaterial, unborn, eternal, beginningless and endless. It is all-pervading, animating the highest god as well as the smallest mineral atom. Brahma, on the other hand, the male and the alleged Creator, exists periodically in his manifestation only, and then again goes into pralaya, i.e., disappears and is annihilated.
Brahma's Day. A period of 2,160,000,000 years during which Brahma having emerged out of his golden egg (Hiranyagarbha), creates and fashions the material world (being simply the fertilizing and creative force in Nature). After this period, the worlds being destroyed in turn, by fire and water, he vanishes with objective nature, and then comes Brahma's Night.
Brahmâ's Night. A period of equal duration, during which Brahmâ is said to be asleep. Upon awakening he recornmences the process, and this goes on for an AGE of Brahmâ composed of alternate “Days”, and “Nights”, and lasting 100 years (of 2,160,000,000 years each). It requires fifteen figures to express the duration of such an age; after the expiration of which the Mahapralaya or the Great Dissolution sets in, and lasts in its turn for the same space of fifteen figures.
Brahmâ Prajâpati (Sk.). “Brahmâ, the Progenitor”, literally the “Lord of Creatures”. In this aspect Brahmâ is the synthesis of the Prajâpati or creative Forces,
Brahmâ Vâch (Sk.). Male and female Brahmâ. Vâch is also sometimes called the female logos; for Vâch means Speech, literally. (See Manu,Bok I., and Vishnu Purâna.)
Brahma Vidyâ (Sk.). The knowledge, the esoteric science, about the two Brahmas and their true nature.
Brahmâ Virâj. (Sk.). The same : Brahmâ separating his body into two halves, males and female, creates in them Vâch and Virâj. In plainer terms and esoterically, Brahmâ, the Universe, differentiati, produced thereby material nature, Virâj, and spiritual intelligent Nature, Vâch--which is the Logos of Deity or the manifested expression of the eternal divine Ideation.
Brahmajnâni (Sk.). One possessed of complete knowledge; an Illiminatus in isoteric parlance.
Brâhman (Sk.). The highest of the four castes in India, one supposed or rather fancying himself, as high among men, as Brahman, the ABSOLUTE of the Vedantins, is high among or above the gods.
Brâhmana period (Sk.) One of the four periods into which Vedic literature has been divided by the Orientalists.
Brâhmanas (Sk.). Hindu Sacred Books. Works composed by, and for Brahamans. Commentaries on those portions of the Vedas which were intended for the ritualistic use and guidance of the “twice-born” (Dwija) or Brahmans.