Volume XV


P index



a messenger, I 89

Pacenian Corpuscles:

poison and, III 37

Pachacamac Temple (Peru):

II 309

of great beauty, II 323

Pacific Ocean:

remnants of Atlantis in, II 434-35

Padartha (Sk.):

Abhava and, I 332

Padmapada (fl. 500 B.C.):

saved Sankara from sorcerer, II 218

Padmapani (Sk.):

real nature of, XII 518, 520


names Kuthumi as Rishi, VI 232

bibliog., VI 426

Padmasambhava (fl. 8th C.):

a chief apostle of Tibetan Buddhism,

XIV 19

master magician, XIV 19

bio-bibliog., XIV 559-60

Padma-yoni (Sk.):

"bosom of the lotus," XII 168 (177)

Paducachaytra [Sk. Padukakshetra]:

in Tuluva, V 184

Padyamitithi (Sk.):

definition, V 262

Paestum (Italy):

ruined temples of, XIII 189-90


accused of Devil dealing, XIV 43, 73,


ancient philosphers were, IX 347 fn.

(375 fn.)

Brothers & Adepts are, IX 357 fn.

(385 fn.)

called "fiends of Hell," XIV 71

Christianity and, XIV 221, 305-06,

314, 335, 353-56

Christianity "anticipated" by, XIV

71-73, 143, 148-49, 271, 340 & fn.

Church destroyed, MSS., XIV 271

Church falsely accused, XIV 224

Constantine died a, XIV 148

definition, IX 349 fn. (377 fn.)

Deities of, appropriated, XII 71, 94-95

(101-02), 149, 200; XIV 71-72

Deity impersonal, XIV 335

etiquette of, XII 270-71, 276-78

festivals & Christianity, XII 71-72,

91-92 (98-99)

Gods consecrated in nature, XIII 299

Gods superior to Angels, XIV

71-72 fn., 330 & fn., 335

H.P.B. a, IX 349-50 fn. (377-78 fn.),

358 fn. (386 fn.)

ideas in Christianity, XIII 337, 340

influential, wooed by Latin Church,

XIV 70

Jesus &, emblems, XIV 154, 271, 307,

320-21, 324, 335 fn.

Jesus used, rite, XIV 147-48

loved virtue, XII 240

meaning of, Circle Dances, XII 278

Oracles & Christ's coming, XIV 271,


"plagiarisms," XIV 143, 148, 314, 325,

335-36 fn., 340

plurality of, gods, XII 200-01

rites of ancient, XII 16-17, 278

secret cycles & life of Christ, XIV


seven Rectors of Demiourgos and,

XIV 330-31

Sidereal worship, XIV 314-16, 326 ff.,

330-31, 335

source of Church dogma, XIV 341 fn.

"superstition," XIV 335

on symbols, XIII 296-300

symbols engulfed by Christians, XIV

167, 292, 307 & fn., 314-31, 335

& fn.

taught Earth's rotundity, XIV 43,

330-31 fn.

Virgin Mary based on, symbolism,

XIV 292 & fn.

See also Heathen(s); Pantheists;


Paganini, Nicolo (1782-1840):

sorcery of, II 219-20, 222-23, 238-39

——— The Witches:

II 253

Stenio duels Paganini by playing, II

226, 250, 254-56


Masonry & Theology as historical

trinity, XI 101

See also Heathenism; Pantheism;



simplicity of true religion vs., III 58


on every plane, XIII 170

how to live beyond, XII 537-38

main causes of, VI 331-32; VIII 127;

XII 538

of spiritual growth, VI 331-32

as task master & teacher, VIII 169

Paine, Thomas (1737-1809):

III 257

books of, V 119, 120

vision of, VI 17, 20

wisest apostle of Freethought, II 381

———- The Age of Reason:

high praise for, II 381

Pakka (Sk.):

phenomena, IV 85, 439

Pala Dynasty:

Kings of, V 309


Catholic interest in, XIV 70-71


 studied Vach, V 298

Palazzo Barberini:

old Roman Missals in, VIII 21 fn.

Palenque (Mexico):

hieroglyphics of, II 315, 316

monoliths of, II 319

ruins of, II 322

Palιologue, Maurice (1859-1944):

———- Le Roman tragique . . .:

by French Ambassador to Russia, III

168 fn.

bibliog., III 517

Palermo Church:

dedicated to Buddha or "Saint

Josaphat," II 133-34 & fn.


Bennett debunks biblical events in, IV


Paley, William (1743-1805):

———- A View of the Evidences of


on forgery in Josephus, IV 363

on Jesus' letter to Abgarus, III 175

bio-bibliog., III 517

bibliog., IV 662

Pali Literature:

donated to Adyar library, XII 300-01

reviving, & T.S., II 439

Palibothra (Patna, India):

ancients on location of, XIII 342-44

Palingenio[us] Stellato, Marcel:

See Manzoli, Pier


worn by Pope, XI 101

Pall Mall Gazette:

II 203 (206); VI 215 & fn., 308; XII

28 q.

on books prohibited in Russia, XI 461

on cremation, III 301-02

discloses evils, IX 149

on freedom of expression, XI 188

libel in, X 290

prophecy in, X 106

Remenyi's account on Japan in, XIII


on women, XI 443 bibliog., VI 451


Greco-Phrygian, VII 221


sacred day of, X 278 See also Athena

Palm, Baron J.H.L. de (1809-1876):

I 428

ashes cast into sea, I 421

cremation & alleged fortune of, XIV


H.P.B. on, I 214, 233

only effects of, XIII 194-95 & fn.

Spiritualists claim, MSS. source of

Isis Unveiled, XIII 194-95

biog., XIV 560

See under Olcott, Henry S.

Palmyra (Syria):

ruins of, II 303

Pamir (Central Asia):

as cradle of human race, III 180

& fn.; XIII 330

as cradle of initiated only, III 187

Pamphilius (240?-309):

library held true Matthew, XIV 149


as All-Nature, III 296; XI 293

five elements and, XIV 100 fn.

or Nature, III 296; IV 263

"pan-aeonic eternity" and, III 296

Sanskrit Paρcha and, XIV 100 fn.


Theosophy as universal, X 164


padris at, & Olcott, III 479

Panaetius (2nd C. B.C.):

and Xenocrates, VI 209

bio-bibliog., VI 443

Panama Canal:

diversion of Gulf Stream, XIII 181

Paρchadaa (Sk.):

five words of Gnostics and, XIII 32

Paρchakona (Sk.):

VIII 154 fn.

Shatkon and, III 321

Paρcha-Koa (Sk.):

five sheaths & Monad, IV 582

See also Kosa(s)


V 186

bibliog., V 366

Panchen Lama [Tib. Pan-chen bLama]:

Ban-dhe-chan Rim-po-the or, III 185

Chief of secret Archives of, in T.S.,

III 398

or Great Jewel of Wisdom, XIV 431

& fn.

incarnate Buddha, III 185

Panchen Rimpoche or Teshu Lama,

VI 105

prophecy of, Western incarnation, VI

105; XIV 431

represented active earthly wisdom, III


of Tashi Lhfnpo, IV 160

See also Tashi Lama


See Paρchakona


Kayapa's vision at convent of, V 245

Pancoast, Dr. Seth (1823-1889):

a Philadelphian occultist, I 123

bio-bibliog., I 520-21


See Pandus

Pandira, Jesus Ben:

See Jehoshua ben Pandira

Pandira, Joseph:

See Joseph ben Pandira

Panus [Sk. Panavas]:

five Lunar, built topes of India, II 316

outcasts, V 305 fn.

Pococke's views and, V 306

taught Mysteries in 3300 B.C., V 300;

XIV 269


XIII 314 fn.

art of writing and, V 195-96, 294-310;

XIII 315; XIV 269 & fn.

explains Yavanani, V 195

as Grammarian, XIII 147, 314; XIV 4

on importance of accents, XIII 108

last of Rishis, V 295, 307

restored classical Sanskrit, V 303

rules of, easier than ancient

Brahmanical Lit., V 208

Sanskrit of, differs from modern

usage, VI 79 (88)

Siva-taught, V 295

———- Sutras:

 V 196

bio-bibliog., V 362, 379; XIV 560

Panoramic Vision:

at death, described, XI 446 et seq.


definition, IX 13

Panta (Greek):

is objective manifestation, XI 485

Zoē cp. with, XI 485

Pantaenus (155?-216):

influenced by Ammonius, XIV 13,


knew unity of Platonic & Oriental

systems, XIV 16, 306


XII 347 fn.

Atheism not the outcome of, III 355

Chaldean Kabalists had pure, III 314

definitions, III 63, 277

Eastern polytheism masked, VII 253

endows Nature with living

Intelligence, XIV 226

goal of Eastern, VIII 114

of Hindus & Buddhists, VIII 113-17

Jewish monotheism masked, VII 253

Pessimism &, contrasted, VIII 110 et


of pessimists, VIII 123

philosophical vs. objective, IX 167-68

real Theosophy is, XI 333, 409-10, 414

Roman Catholic Monotheists and,

XIV 226

in Soul Force theory, XIV 226

true described, VIII 57 (79)

as ultra-Spiritual & true religion, III


Vedanta not absolute, XII 344 fn.

See also Polytheism


German, IX 13

Kosmos & Deity same to untrained,

IX 167-68


ancient, compared, XIV 91, 155-57, 291

Hindu & Buddhist, XIV 403

Hindu, cp. to Biblical, XIV 92, 403

Indian explains cosmic mysteries, XIV


Indian, represented by stars, XI

242 fn. (279 fn.)

three levels of interpretation, XIV 91

See also Gods; Goddess(es)

Panthera, Jeshu ben:

See Jehoshua ben Pandira


or Echograph, XIII 292

use in future, XIII 293

Papal Bull:

of Pope Pius V fostered worship of 7

planets, X 29

See also under Roman Catholic

Church & specific Popes

Papheronmes Papyrus:

addressing the Sun, XIV 270-71

Papus (pseud. of G. Encausse)


on adepts & initiates, XI 170 (178),

177 (185)

———- Traitι ιlιnaentaire de science


reviewed, IX 44-46

bio-bibliog., IX 446-47


of Anastasi, VII 120, 131

Harris, VII 104 et seq., 126

on Judgment of soul, VII 109

magic and, VII 92, 94-95

magical scenes from Lepsius, VII


magically prepared, VII 107

of Nēvo-loo, VII 109-10

occult meaning of animals in, VII 110

on Osirified soul, VII 94, 125

of Prisse, VII 118-19

Reuven on historic value of, VII 121

of Rollin, VII 128-29

sorcery and, VII 114

types of writing in, VII 105 fn.

witnesses to magic, VII 105


of casting into outer darkness, XIII


of Kingdom, XIII 48-49

of the Talents, XI 219 (255)

Parabrahm[an] (Sk.):

Absolute All, XIV 212-13, 433, 446

Absolute of Vedanta, III 424, 435 fn.

is Absoluteness, X 336

Adi-Buddha or, VIII 66 (88); XIV 458

Ain-Soph (En-Soph) is, of West, III


Ain-Soph of Kabalists as, VIII 143;

XI 221 (257), 240 (276); XIV 87,

184, 197

Atman and, V 172

Brahma sprang from, XIV 241 fn.

"Brahman-killer" and, V 114

is causality, X 336

definitions, I 335; III 27, 29, 62, 269;

IV 337, 450; XI 414 fn., 468, 476

a deific power to some Brahmans, III

406 fn., 410 & fn.

Demiourgos and, XIV 218

Dhyan Chohans and, VI 126

Druse teaching on absorption into, III


duality and, VIII 334 fn.

ego merged in, VII 52

eternally manifesting as

Avalokitewara, VI 179

Eternity and, X 308

ever-unmanifested Deity, VII 259

identical with Nirvana, XIV 376,


impersonal Principle, III 184 fn.; V 21

(50); VII 51

individual soul and, IV 582

infinite, IV 194

inseparable from every jiva, XI 468

Jivan and, IV 536

as Kalahaόsa, X 379

on killing the light of, V 114

Kosmic Veil of, & Logos, VIII 325

kosmos, manifestation of, VIII 66


Logos is co-eternal with, XIV 216 fn.

Malkuth and, VI 212

man's essence is, XIV 212-13, 459

Manvantaric aspect of, XII 710

in motto of Initiates, IV 536

Mulaprakriti and, VIII 325, 368 (388);

XII 630, 710; XIV 87

-Mulaprakriti cp. with Avestian

allegory, XIII 123 fn.

not "God" in Christian sense,

IX 137

occult powers and, III 403

one of "Three primary causes," III

405; VII 286

as One Principle, IV 537

Paramatman and, IV 547 & fn.

personal life is not, V 318 fn.

renunciates contemplate, II 118

as Rootless Root, X 242, 303

as space & "waters of space," X 367

is Spirit & Matter, XIV 393 & fn.

the Supreme, XIV 55, 241 fn., 446

ultimate subjectivity, V 76

unconscious purposiveness of, IX 80

universal Divine Essence, V 354

universal divinity, XII 344, 624

universal energy of Vedanta, VI 351

as Universal or One Life, IV 291,

423-24, 453, 535; V 318 fn.

Universal Principle, VI 126

or Universal Spirit, VII 51

Unmanifested Logos, XI 483, 488

unspeakable, XIII 167

in Vedanta, IV 491, 536

Vedantic term, XIII 167

Vedantin claims kinship with, XIV 111

Vedantin sect on, IX 137

Vedic deities dependent on, III 63

is Zarvan-or Zeruana-Akarana, IV

421; XIII 123-24 fn.

See also Absolute; Ain-Soph;

Universal Spirit

Paracelsus (1490-1541):

I 131, 138, 141; II 36, 230; III 264; IV

594, 607; XIV 5

animal magnetism and, II 275

a Catholic overtly, XIV 169

considered a quack, XII 215

on Faith & Imagination, XII 403

first of modern Theosophists, I 106

greatest alchemist of the age, XII 215

harbinger of modern chemistry, XI

524 (546)

healing magnets used by, XII 215-16

a Kabalist, XIV 167

Magnes and, IV 290

on man as microcosm, III 321

on man's three Spirits, XIV 51

not a quack, XI 459

principium vitae, scoffed at, XII 139

secret of magnetism held by, XII 223

slandered, IV 339

teaching on Hermetic fire, XIII 354

Theosophy of, V 10 (39)

trials of, XIV 278

——— Philosophia sagax:

on astral light & inner man, I 284

bibliog., I 521


advent of T.S., possible before 1897,

X 11

the "comforter," XIV 163 fn.

Manes called, XIV 163


abode of Christ-Sun, XII 93 (99)

Adam & Eve cast out of, XIII 44

Maha-Chohan's residence in, XIV

422 fn.-23 fn.

mistaken views on Amida Buddha's,

XIV 448 & fn.

notion of, based on Devachan, XII 627

Western, of Buddhism a real place,

XIV 422 fn., 448 & fn.

See also Devachan; Heaven;

Sukhavati; Tushita Devaloka


of human morals, X 102-03

language of occultism, VIII 125-28


round table, II 147


of senses needed for true perception,

IX 34

Paramaguru (Sk.):

Guru of H.P.B.'s Guru, VII 248

message warns T.S. not to become

"miracle club," VII 248-49

of Sankara, V 193

See also Maha-Chohan

Paramahaόsa Shub Tung:

disciple of Brothers, IV 230

Paramahansa(s) [Sk. Paramahaόsa]:

definition, II 118

are rarely Initiates, VIII 58 (80)

Paramananda Vihara:

Buddhist of, compiles Sutras for

H.P.B., II 438

Paramanu (Sk.):

definition, IV 336

Paramanu-rupa (Sk.):

atomic nature of Manas, V 80 fn.;

XII 631

Paramapada (Sk.):

jivas and, IX 63

Parama-Purusha (Sk.):

Universal Soul, II 465

Paramartha (Sk.):

absolute impersonal consciousness,

XIV 436

Adepts gave, to Nagarjuna, XIV 285

book refers to Prajρa-Paramita Sutra,

XIV 285 & fn.

definition, X 346

Madhyamika view of, X 347

See also Absolute; Absolute Existence

Paramartha-Satya (Sk.):

Absolute Truth, XIV 436

Don-dam-pa'i-den in Tibetan, XIV 436

source of true knowledge, X 356

Paramarthika (Sk.):

definition, III 422

Paramatma[n] (Sk.):

as Adrish˜a, V 33 (61)

beyond Antic Egg, XII 623

cannot perish, IV 548

cause of every principle, XII 623

Egotism disappears in, XIV 377 fn.

ever-existing Root-Essence, XII 624

as high Yogi, is always innocent, XIV

376-77 & fn.

Jivatma and, III 326, 409-10; X 369

Maha-Pralaya and, VI 202

manifests through Jivans, IV 536

Mukti and, VI 243

not a principle, XII 623

the One in Vedanta, IV 580

only eternal, living reality, XII 624

or Parabrahman, IV 547 & fn.; XII 624

the real Self, III 142

soul distinct from, V 76

as "Spirit itself," VII 43

Spiritual Sun, XII 623

the "Supreme" as title of Vishnu, XII


is Supreme Soul, II 92; IV 547 fn.

Supreme Spirit, III 106

See also Parabrahm[an]

Paramitas (Sk.):

for all who enter the "Path," XII 505,


keys to Path to Nirvana, XIV 392 fn.,

436 fn.

Masters alone have perfected, XII 504

meditation and, XII 603

transcendental virtues, XI 348 fn.; XII



See Parinirvana


See Parinishpanna


account of great Pralaya by, XIV 257

———- Paraara Code:

IV 552 fn.

written for Kali yoga, V 32 (61)

bibliog., V 366

Paraurama (Sk.):

cruelty of, IV 367

Malabar customs and, V 188


Eternal, X 303-04

-Space, X 331

Parent Brotherhoods:

esoteric truths & Elect of, XII 601

Parent Society of T.S.:

See Theosophical Society


allow Jack the Ripper play, X 226-28

respect for, & discipleship, VIII 294


regeneration of, V 314-15

Paricshit [Sk. Parikshit]:

successor of Yudhish˜hira, XIV 367-68

Parinama (Sk.):

definition, VI 142

Parinibbana (Pali):

See Parinirvana

Parinirvana (Sk.):

absolute perfection, X 335

Adept in, can no longer incarnate,

XIV 401

alchemy and, XI 515 (538)

ego enters, VII 52

highest Nirvana, X 6

lasts seven Rounds, XIV 401 fn.

man's spirit preserves individuality in,

VII 51

Parinirvani is one who reached, XIV


refusal of, by Thatagata, XIV 401

when esoteric, reached, XI 345 fn.,


Yong-Grόb in Tibetan, X 335

Parinishpanna (Sk.):

the Builders and, X 347

perfect, changeless state of, XIV 436

state of absolute perfection, X 335

voidness of conditionless Reality, XIV



l'Hermθs T.S Lodge in, XII 300

patroness of, XII 96 (103)


on H.P.B., IX 291

Paris Exhibition:

XI 357-58

Parker, John A.:

quadrature a perfect measure, XIV

195 fn.

———- The Quadralure of the Circle . . .:

on rediscovery of, VII 293 & fn.

Parker, Mrs. Sarah:

I 411, 414

worker for women's rights, I 438

Parker, Theodore (1810-1860):

humbugging spirit, I 135

———- Autobiography:

XII 104 q.

bio-bibliog., XII 759-60

Parkhurst, H.:

II 190

Parkhurst, John (1728-1797):

———- An Hebrew and English

Lexicon . . .:

on Hillel, VIII 27 fn.

bibliog., VIII 471

Parliament, French:

Jesuits and, IX 297 & fn., 298, 309-10

Parmenides (fl. 5th C. B.C.):

One Beingness of, XIV 239 fn.

postulate of, VI 206

sought wisdom of Hierophants, VII 123

Parnasi (Sk.):

huts of Hindu ascetics, XIV 90 fn.

Parnassus, Mt.:

Himalayan origins of Greek, XIV 90

Paropamisus and, XIV 90 fn.

Paroksha (Sk.):

definition, V 337

Paropamisus Mountains:

V 220

the hill of Bamian in, XIV 90 fn.

location of, V 273


hatching out of almond shells, VII 81

Parsis (Parsees):

III 214, 216, 467

Avesta a sealed book to, III 455

charged with heliolatry, XIII 229

did not tolerate starvation, XIII 133

do not worship ordinary fire, II 35

Fire-worshippers, II 122, 124, 128,

129; XIII 125 fn.

ignorant heirs of Chaldean wisdom,

IV 517

lost key to their faith, III 453

migrations of, IV 529

missionaries and, II 268

no needy people among, XI 196

not Dualistic, XIII 125 fn., 229

numerical strength of, II 129 & fn.

Persian, have ancient book of magic,

III 463-64

"Pharsi" and, III 453

relic of ancient Magi, XIII 125 fn.,


scriptures of, distorted, III 458-59

as Sun worshippers, II 442; XIV 142

Zarathushtra instituted sun worship

among, III 452

Zoroaster, Initiate of 5400 B.C., III


Zoroastrianism kept unveiled by, IV


See also Ghebers; Zoroastrians)

Parthivapuja (Sk.):

Siva ceremony, II 117


Theosophists must avoid, in service,

XI 466


Gnostic term for Positive-Negative

forces, XIII 31 fn.


vast burial ground, II 328

Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662):

XIV 378 fn., 379

on man, VII 23 q.; XIII 97

——— Thoughts:

on incertitude of God's existence, VI


bibliog., VI 443


sorcery in, or Udyαna, XIV 19

Pashkoff, Countess Lydia A. de:

takes T.S. circulars to Japan, I 375 fn.

bio-bibliog., 1 521-22

Passingham, C.A. (?-1891?):

on Light on the Path, XI 320


animal soul seat of, IX 256

chelaship and, IV 611

at death & at rebirth, X 176

death of, needed for union with

Master Self, IX 257

on destroying, XII 31, 392

distort spiritual into worldly

judgment, XII 584-85

human, personified in mythology, XI

90 fn.

of man permeate nearby objects, V


material, VIII 51 (73)

natural-born magicians are, -proof, IX


occultism & mastery of, IX 255-60

passional organs and, XII 367

sole bond of union in future, XII 386

Spirit crucified by, VIII 173

as weapons of karmic law, X 176


dangers of, X 262

mediumistic, VIII 132


of Mason, XI 75-76

Theosophists', similar to Druses &

Lamaists, III 183


Present & Future are one, XIV 303

records of Secret Wisdom destroyed,

XIV 467

sorrows of, & "Promethean Vultures,"

XII 70

Past Lives:

recollection of all, comes at "great

day," V 93

Pasta, Judith (1798-1865):

II 237

Pastoral Religion:

on lamb worship of, XIII 322-23

Patala(s) (Sk.):

allegorical nether regions, XIV 260,

262, 284

as America, II 79; XIV 284

esoterically the Earth, XIII 159

identical to Hebrew Shiac, XIV 284

initiates descent into, XIV 260, 262,


ruled by Vasuki, XIV 284

seven, XIII 159

See also Hades; Hell; Sheol

Pa˜alas (Sk.):

as chapters in sutras, XIII 315

Pa˜aliputra (India):

Buddha's prophecies and, V 244, 245,



II 57 (63), 99; V 178; VIII 97

affirms one of the Siddhis, II 217

on Agni, IV 367

date of, V 193-94, 196

Gauapada and, V 193

Govinda Yogi same as, V 192-93

Sankara's guru, V 192-93, 197

Sanskrit and, V 303

Theosophical Society revived interest

in, XII 307

Theosophists follow, II 11 (22), 34

wrote on medicine & anatomy, V 196

Yoga system of, III 106, 401; XII

343 fn.

Yogis of, knew union with God, II 94

——— Mahabhashya:

V 193, 196

date of, V 194, 196

———- Yoga Sutras:

III 106-08

historical data on, V 193, 196

inner God idea in, XIV 55

other names for, II 76, 457 & fn.

on powers of Yogis, II 466-67

study of, needed to comprehend

mediumship, II 108

symbolic language of, IX 166

bibliog., II 539; III 517; V 365, 368

Pater Aether:

Jupiter or, XII 612

Zeus, X 384

Pater Innatus:

as Archon, XI 242 (278)


all traditions agree on basics of, VI


altruistic action takes one up the, XI


Antaƒkarana as the, XII 631, 633

Buddha high on, of Dzyan, XIV 400

Chrēstos is traveller on, VIII 189

Christos is, & goal, VIII 189

of Compassion means helping even

evil ones, XII 587-88

easier if Buddha is one's spiritual

lode-star, VIII 446

easier for poor & singlehearted, XII


entrance to, & E.S., XI 310

four steps on, to Arhatship, XIV 434

& fn.

goal of aspirant on, VI 332-33

Golden Stairs of, XII 503, 591, 596

keys that fit one to enter, XII 598

leading to divine truth, XI 120 (134)

Left, desecrated Towers of Initiation,

XIV 281-82

Left, use thunderbolts, XIV 104-05

lower nature must be subjected on, VI


must be trodden to be known, VIII


not engineered for comfort, XII 236

of Occultism harder than Theosophy,

IX 155

only Heart Doctrine can lead to, XII


over-anxiety cause of evil on, VI 332

painful nature of, VI 331-32

Paramitas for all who enter, XII 505,


Perfection, leads to Buddhahood,

XIV 400-01

personal exertion needed to tread, XII


powers of, are effects not causes, VI


progress on, should be balanced, VI


qualifications to tread, IV 608; VIII

294; IX 155-62; XI 122 (135)

real esoteric, XII 236

Right from Left, must be discerned,

XIV 60

selfish seeking for powers on,

condemned, VI 333

to Self-Knowledge, XIII 40, 55-56

& fn.

two important lessons on, XII 625

two ways entering, to Nirvana, XIV


The Path:

VI 121; VII 191 fn.; X 170, 206

appraised, VIII 44

on aspirant & initiation, IX 162 & fn.

on H.P.B.'s arrival in U.S.A., IV

137 fn.

high praise for, IX 245

letter of H.P.B. in, I 224 fn.

on libel suit against N.Y. Sun, XII


notes on "Egyptian Magic" essay, VII

104, 200

on occult novels, VIII 98-99

ought to be supported, XII 596

art of Maha-Chohan's Letter in, XII

241 fn.

on plagiarized writings, X 281-82

on S.D. publication, X 158-59

suave & gracious, X 108


clan of Yusafzai, I 369 fn.

Patmanabhan Temple:

at Trivandrum, III 58


See Pa˜aliputra


Adam & seven fallen, XIV 203

Biblical, XIV 16, 92, 252 fn., 380 fn.

Indian gods and, XIV 91-92 fn., 380 fn.

Jewish, were not priests, XIV 252 fn.

original meaning of, XIV 252 fn., 380

& fn.

Progenitors of human race, XIV 252,

380 fn.

Patrick, Saint (389?-461?)

resurrects 60 men, VII 32 fn.

———- Confessio:

VII 33 fn.

———- Epistola:

VII 33 fn.


can be greed, ambition etc., IX 337

India and, II 181

often a disguise for selfishness &

greed, X 200

Patrizi, Cardinal (1798-1876):

petitioned for Star-Angel worship, X


biog., X 426

Patterson Correspondence:

H.P.B. and, XII 29-30

Patterson, H.T.:

on H.P.B. & T.S., XIII 117-21

H.P.B. thanks, XIII 115

Paul, Saint (fl. 1st C.):

XIV 54, 55 q., 322, 396

abrogated law of circumcision, XIV


admits Secret Doctrine, XIV 218

on anastasis, I 293

on Biblical allegories, XII 342; XIV

37, 48

Brahmanic teachings and, VII 45

on Christ as Spirit of Man, XIV 122

Christologia of, & Vatican, VIII 178

Christos of, not Jesus, VIII 176 fn.

Church Fathers evaded real meaning

of, VII 20

compared to Vedantin, XIV 56

contrasted with Peter, XIV 114, 123-24

date of conversion, analyzed, VIII 366


Eclectic doctrines of, XIV 304

Epistles of, allegorical, XIV 121

Epistles of, mutilated by Church, VIII

365-66 (385); XIV 169 & fn.

Epistles of, not Canonical at first,

VIII 365-66 (385); IX 20 fn., 351 fn.

(378 fn.)

esoteric view of, teachings, VII 43-45

eternal gnōsis and, XII 312

founder of Christianity, not Jesus,

XIV 121-22

founder of sect of Gnosis, VIII 212

a Gnostic, VIII 176 fn.; XIII 6

Gnostic adversary of Peter, IX 210


Gnostic term Plērōma used by, XIV

162 fn., 340

hated by Peter, John & James, XIV


historical personage, IV 361; IX 205


immortality of brutes and, VII 42

an Initiate, VII 43; VIII 176 fn., 217;

XII 15-16 & fn., 312; XIV 43, 48,

114, 122-23

king of preachers, VII 20

knew God as a Principle, XIV 413

knew of Celestial orders, XIV 340,


on Living God, XIV 48, 55-56

man not personality acc. to, XIII 128

the "Master Builder," XIV 123

master Mason & Initiate, X 242

may not be historical, III 88

meaning of Christos and, IX 20 fn.

meaning of his "sons of God," VII


on Mt. Sinai, XIV 37

a Nazar at first, IX 209 (231); XIV


not infallible, XIV 122-23

opposed to Gnosticism of Hebrew-

Egyptian school, XIV 304, 341 fn.

Peter opposed Epistles of, XIV 114

Plato and, XIV 114, 218-19

on prostitution, XI 39

recognized plurality of "Gods," XIV


scarcely understood by his time, XIV


second birth of, IX 272

on secret Gnōsis & Archōns, XIV 114

Simon Magus may have been, XIV

113-14, 124

Skinner on, as Apotheosis of Christ,

XIV 122

on spiritual body, VII 189

struggle of, with Peter, VIII 212 fn.

on triune man, I 292

uses Platonists' language, XIV 219,


See also Corinthians,-Hebrews,-

Romans etc.

Paul I, Emperor (1754-1801):

incognito as Count Severni, XII 207

medium's garbled account of,

assassination, III 362-63

mediumistic view of, corrected, I


Paul, Dr. N.C. (or Navlnachandra Pala):

Capt. Seymour and, III 152 fn.

———- Treatise on Yoga Philosophy:

III 152 fn.

comments on, II 453-73

how author wrote, III 108

on spirits of dead, III 107

on Supreme Spirit, III 106

bibliog., II 539; III 517

Paul III, Pope (1468-1549):

Inquisition in Italy introduced by, IX

311; X 24 & fn.

sympathized with Jesuits, IX 299

bio-bibliog., IX 311, 447

Paul IV, Pope (1476-1559):

built church for Astrolatry, XIV 337

restored "mystery names" to Church

edifice, X 27

biog., XIV 560-61

Paul of Samosata (?-272 A.D.):

denied Christ's divinity, XIV 144

bio-bibliog., XIII 399

Pauranika (Sk.):

eclectic school, XII 343 fn.

Pausanias (fl. 2nd C. A.D.):

descended into den of Trophonius,

XIV 135

praises Initiation, VII 122

sacrifice of wives and, V 305 fn.

——— Description of Greece [tr.]:

on Magi kindling altar without fire,

III 462

on Orpheus, XIII 235

———- Periēgēsis:

VIII 309

on Bacchus, XI 93 fn.

on Eos, XI 243 (279)

bibliog., III 517

Pauthier, J.P.G. (1801-1873):

———- Essai sur la philosophie des


on India as primitive focus of human

thought, VII 91, 124

bio-bibliog., VII 388

Pavlovsky Military College:

I 93

Pay'quina River:

gold in, II 341 & fn.

tunnel to Inca treasure near, II 343


"elementals" of India, II 75

Paz Soldan, M.F. (1814-1875?):

———- Geografνa del Perϊ:

on Buddhist missionaries in America,

II 432

bio-bibliog., II 539


only permanent joy, IX 4

philosophic mind and, IX 4


blessed be the, XIII 163

gun called, XIII 163


the Angel, or Melek Taus, XIII 129,


Devil's Own, XIII 133

King of Birds, XIII 129

messenger of arch-fiend, XIII 129-30

& fn.

Zoroastrian legend of, XIII 129-30

Pearson, Norman:

———- "Before Birth":

Theosophical influences in, VII

185-86 fn.

bibliog., VII 388

Peary Chand Mitra, Baba:

See Mitra, Peary Chand

Pedactyl Horse:

Huxley and, I 228, 232


Tibetan, & account of K.H., VI 21

Pedrono, Dr.:

VII 63-64

bibliog., VII 388

Peebles, Dr. James Martin (1822-1922):

II 70, 72, 74

belief in Hindu & Buddhist

Spiritualists, I 282, 290

enjoined to secrecy by Brahmans, I


on "mediums" or Spiritualists in

India, II 71, 75

Spiritualist missionary, I 264

Spiritualists ignored views of, 1 269

Peeplaj Temple:

Baptist preacher violates image in, V


Pelagos (Gk.):

definition, V 301


Russian girl medium, III 94 et seq.


culture of, V 167

fore-fathers of Hellenes, V 166

kshatriyas and, V 308

origin & language of, V 301-02

sub-race of, V 214

Thracia and, V 307

writing and, V 302


Pelasgians and Biblical, V 167, 301

Pelican Club:

prizefights at, XII 36-39

Peling(s) [Tib. Phyi-glin]:

cause of animals' suffering, IX 287

meaning, IX 287

Tibetans call foreigners, V 235

Peling-pa [Tib. Phyi-glin-pa]:

or Europe & Tibetan prophecy, XIV


Pellisson, Paul (1624-1693):

pet spider of, III 243-44

Pember, George Hawkins:

———- Earth's Earliest Ages . . .:

VIII 174

very fair, VIII 43

bibliog., VIII 471

Pemiongshi Lamasery:

learned Lama from, XI 430 fn.


four, under authority of Lhasa, IV 18

Penna di Billi, F.A. della (1680-1747):

Tibet and, IV 10 & fn.

———- Breva notizia del regno del


VI 106 & fn.

on Tibet, VI 97, 100-01, 110

———- Memoirs:

ridicules Buddhist books of Kiu-te,

XIV 422-23 fn.

bio-bibliog., VI 443

Penna, Horace Della:

See Penna di Billi, F.A. della


meaning of, IX 399

sign of Black or White Magic, XII


symbol of manifested Logos, IX 64


mysterious symbol, XIII 16, 26, 30


man & twelve, XIII 71 & fn.


animal magnetism and, III 323

healing value of, III 219-20, 252 et


meaning of, III 250 et seq., 312, 322,


as microcosm, III 319

sacred, & the Magi, XIV 240

unborn child and, III 323

widely spread, III 321


III 443

apotheosis of Phallicism, XIV 177

Astrolatry & Sabaean worship in, XIV

76, 328

Book of Enoch basis of, XIV 82

corrupted by ambitious Rabbis, XIV


differs from Mosaic Book of

Creation, XIV 177

full of allegories, XII 342

Jewish angelology of, XIV 328

latest of all scriptures, VII 294

Levite text replaced Mosaic, XIV

183 fn.

mainly astro-physiological, VII 254-55

Moses narrates his own death in, IV


not originally in Hebrew, XIV 172-73

& fn.

present not original, XIV 172, 177,

191, 194

re-written by Ezra, VII 254, 263

Rig Veda earlier than, XIV 240

Sadducees rejected, XIV 182 fn.

Samaritan, XIV 46 fn., 172, 173 fn.,

182 fn.

seven keys to, IX 203 (225)

symbols of, & Moses, I 111

synopsized in Genesis, XIV 65

veiled by Moses, XIV 69, 172

See also Bible

Penza (Russia):

crime & superstition in, III 350-51


as Gods or monkeys, XIII 212

prefer prejudice to truth, XIII 83-84,


People from the Other World:

See 0lcott, H.S.

People's Advocate:

Blavatsky T.S. and, XII 23

People's Journal:

on Rajah saved by Yogi, XIII 162


 consciousness and, XIII 288

of Infinite, XIII 346

of light, VII 72

self-observation and, XII 147

spiritual, & senses, VII 68

will and, XII 147

See also Consciousness; Intuition; Self

Knowledge; Wisdom


human, gives dignity to man, IV 170


of Adept, XIV 55, 56 fn.

of Dhyanchohanic form, VII 46

human, is no dream, XII 46

man can only reach, of God within,

XIV 56 fn.

Nature intends, of human being, VII 178

Paul & Essenes on Initiate's, XIV

56 fn.


See Pausanias

Peri-nous (Gk.):

or "materialized form," VII 187


cyclic, in events, II 408


See Cycle(s); Era(s) & specific ages


views of, discussed, III 109-15

Peri-psyche (Gk.):

or pιrisprit, VII 187

Perishim [Aramaic Perushim]:

meaning separated, III 453

Pιrisprit (Fr.):

after death becomes outermost body,

I 364 (368)

Greek division of, I 361 (365)

as Kama-rupa, X 54 (62)

nature & source of, I 361-62 (365-66)

only a simulacrum, II 7 (18)

as psychē, I 361 (365)

reincarnation and, VII 179, 186-87

reincarnation of dead child's, I 363


skandhas and, I 362 (366)

soul & spirit, II 5 (16)

union of, with spirit makes man a

god, 1 362 (366)


E.S. Pledge and, X 201

Perkin's Tractors:

on metallic treatment of, II 189-90


seeking, in impermanent a cause of

pain, VI 331-32


fourth dimension and, III 16


in Kabala, X 398

Perovsky, Sophia L. (1853-1881):

alleged mediumistic manifestation of,

III 359-65

See also scene from examination of, III 161-62

Perrault, Charles (1628-1703):

fairy tale of, XI 507 (530)

bio-bibliog., XI 585


of believers in phenomena, III 219


founding of, III 460


force of, XI 391


-Iran called Western India, III 420

Medo-, settlement, XIII 330

oldest languages in, XIV 180

proverb, XI 366, 389

remnants of Akkadians on, Gulf,

XIII 328

temples with celestial images, XIV 331

traditions mostly old Aryan, XIV 199


every, affects mental & moral aura of

world, IX 3


individual consciousness vs., XII 353,

357, 366

Mind as ray from "Son of Universal,''

XII 371

Mind as temporary "principle," XII 371

only, exertion will move one on the

Path, XII 236

Personal Ego:


annihilated in wicked, V 14-15 (43), 18


appears but once on earth, IV 549

eidōlon and, VII 227

essence of 5th principle and, V 14


immortal only if united to divine

parent, XII 374

impersonal ego and, XII 353

has no memory when severed from

body, V 77-78

one of the Koas, IV 582

soul and, IV 120

spiritual ego and, VI 83 (92)

Lower Manas; Lower Self


Adept can use same, after death, XIV

53, 375

of Adepts & private lives differ, XIV


of Adepts related to astronomical

pattern, XIV 138-39

after death is Kama-rupa, XII 374

annihilated, not the Man, V 317 fn.

to be obliterated, VIII 201 fn., 311

born as ray from one of 7 Planets,

XIV 349

Buddhi-Manas culls, XIV 50

cause of pain, XIV 432

chela's chief task and, VI 286

clinging to, distorts truth, IX 177

compound of 4th & 5th principles

destroyed, IV 185

deals with passional organs, XII 367

definitions, VII 185, 186 fn.

depraved, & Karmic drive, IV 570-73

Devachan retains only essence of, IV

256, 548 fn.; V 82

differs from Self, XIII 129

disappearance after death, IV 256,

548 & fn.

exiled God within, XII 16

false, does not reincarnate, VII 185,


fate of, without Divine Ego, XII


focus on, slows spread of Theosophy,

XII 293

grafted to triune Monad becomes

immortal, XII 630

higher Ego and, XIII 74, 129

illusion of, XI 213 fn. (248 fn.)

impersonality and, VI 264-65

individuality contrasted with, IV 186,

253 et seq.; XI 246 (283); XII 353,

366, 415, 626

Jesus is, XIII 55

on loss of, IX 135; XII 598, 622-41

lower, is animal man, XII 415

monad has no, V 87

must be disregarded, XII 601, 630

must disappear on path of altruism,

IX 254

neither exalt nor neglect, XII 62

new, & former Astral Double, XII


noble, remains in Devachan, I V 256

nucleus of, remains until Kalpa ends,

XIV 57 fn.

old & new, & devachan, V 82

only quintessence of, is immortal, XII


overfeeding Lower Manas can

annihilate, XII 598

Personal God and, XIV 49-50

preservation of, after death rare, VI


probation leads to renunciation of, IX


provides experiences for Ego, or real

man, XII 17

rebirth and, X 176; XII 608-10

reincarnation of, an exception, IV

185-86, 549; VII 178-82, 185, 187

results of, suppression, XII 537-38

rooted in selfish motives, XIII 133

sacrifice of, IX 6

selfishness and, VI 264; XIII 128-30

selfishness of, led to Mysteries, XIV


on shell of false, VII 205

Sophia as, XIII 50

source of all sorrow, XII 538

star of Individuality and, XIII 72

survival of Individuality but not, VI


as tabernacle of "Parent-Spirit," XII


ties become inert in Devachan, V


unbroken preservation of higher, VI


union with Individuality in

Gnosticism, XIII 48

See also Impersonality; Individuality

Petty, Prof.:

Geneva scientist, III 236


earthquakes raze city in, II 333

hieroglyphics of, II 334

history of Incas of, II 305-08

Inca treasure hidden in, II 339-43

length of stone walls in, II 332

Maneo Capac & ancient races of, II 317

records of Mysteries in, destroyed by

Spanish, XIV 280

ruins of ancient, II 303-04, 305,

308-10, 312-13, 317-18, 323-33

Peshawar (or Purushapura, India):

cave of Buddha's shadow in, XIV 19


a blessing to the spiritual man, VIII


due to erroneous ideas of evolution,

VIII 124

materialistic & metaphysical, VIII 110

et seq.

optimism and, express Mind's duality,

X 222-23

two-fold nature of, VIII 116-17

Petavius or Pιtau Dιnis (1583-1652)]:

———- De angelis:

VIII 28 fn.

bibliog., VIII 471

Petemenoph Papyrus:

Hermetic law of correspondences in,

XIV 347

Petephre (or Potiphar):

priest of Heliopolis, XIV 257

Peter, Saint:

adversary of Paul, IX 210 (232)

alleged to be in Parthia, IX 137

denies Christ, VIII 363 (383)

as double-faced Janus, XII 92-93


Epistles of Paul opposed by, XIV 114

a heretic, VIII 366 (386)

Janus and, X 279

Jesus taught secret doctrine says, XIV 162

Kabalistic rendering of, as Earth, XIV


knees impressed on stone, XIV 119

lived & died at Babylon, XIV 127

may not be historical, III 88

"miracle" of, ace. to Church, XIV

113, 119-20

not a martyr, XIV 126

not founder of Latin Church, VI 238;

XIV 124, 126

not initiate, XIV 123-26

persecuted Paul, XIV 123-24 & fn.

preached circumcision rite, XIV 124

on "Seat of," XIV 125, 126

as symbolic link between Soul &

Spirit, XII 210-11

"triumph" over Simon, XIV 113,


I Peter:

VIII 188, 362 (380); IX 188 & fn.

on Jesus as Lord Chrēstos, XIV

282 fn.

II Peter:

VIII 28 fn.; XI 486

on Balaam & talking ass, III 230

& fn.

on destruction of 5th Race & Christ's

coming, XIV 257-58

on divine Lucifer, XIV 317

Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562):

aura and, V 103

Peterborough, Bishop of:

XII 35, 349 fn.

on "practice" of Christianity, XII


Petermann, Julius H. (1801-1876):

edited Latin Pistis-Sophia, XIII 3

Pιtis de la Croix (1653-1713):

Druse sacred books and, III 177 fn.

biog., III 517-18

Petition to Masters:

for an Inner Group & background, VI


Petosiris (fl. 13th C. B.C.):

Necepso &, first Astrologers of Egypt,

XIV 344

Petra (Syria):

II 303

Petrie, Sir WM.E (1853-1942):

XI 358

bio-bibliog., XI 585

Pētroma (Gk.):

secrets of initiation engraved on, II 10 (21)

stone tablets used in Mysteries, VI

238; XIV 124, 126

Petronius, Gaius (?-66 A.D.):

———- Satyricon:

on Democritus, XIV 25

bio-bibliog., XIV 561

Petrovich, Paul (Grand Duke):

See Paul I, Emperor


forbidden in occult training, IX 159

Petty Boys:

mediumistic investigation of the, I 205

Phadke, Wasudew Bulwant:

III 49

a Hindu rebel, II 294, 296


horses of the Sun and, III 463

as Lucifer, VIII 17

Phδg-dal [Tib. 'Phags-dal]:

lamasery of, IV 11 & fn.; VI 272

meaning of, IV 11 fn.

Phδg-pa [Tib. 'Phags-pa]:

definitions, IV 11 fn., 19

Phag-pa Sang-gyas [Tib. 'Phags-pa


See Buddha, Gautama

Phδg-yul [Tib. 'Phags-yul]:

Buddha preached in, IV 11 fn.


See Aratus

Phala (Sk.):

fruits of causes produced, IV 608

Phalguni (Sk.):

Hindu astronomical cycles and, XIV



of Christians idealized, XIII 258

confounded with Occultism, XIII 254

of Hebrew Bible, XIV 177, 195, 198,

205, 207 & fn.

phallic stones and, XIII 257

popular with materialistic thinkers,

XII 519-20

real meaning of, VII 294

reason for contending with, XIII 254

Rose & Cross, XIV 291-92

symbol of generation, XIV 207 fn.

too crude for Lucifer, X 99


Kabalistic, & cross, VI 133

Phantasma (Gk.):

definitions, I 293, 299


memory &, as obstacles to truth, IX



appearance of, at death, X 220-21

of body & Vedantins, VII 349

depends on intensity of thought, X


real, evoked by Slade, contrasted with

opaque, I 223-24


of fellow Theosophists, X 94


beliefs of, not Law of Moses, III 453

as bigots, IV 326-27

borrowed doctrines from Magians, III

453; XIV 301

denounced Jesus, XII 30

derivation of name, III 453

Mishnah and, IV 364

Pentateuch rejected by Saducees, XIV

182 fn.

pretensions of, XIV 181-82 fn.

term of reproach, IV 38


See Parsξs

Phasma (Gk.):

definitions, I 293, 299



Adepts and, IX 112

after-death, explained, IV 244 et seq.

ancients attributed, to various entities,

II 108

aroused idle curiosity, IX 48

astral body of medium and, X 218-19

astral light, III 376

based upon scientific ground, III 113

belief in, causes persecution, III 219

belief in objective, II 74

belief in spiritual, commands

sympathy, III 113

cannot be easily doubted, II 490

cannot be proved in court, XII 333

causes of, & scientists, VII 71, 77, 83

certain occult, are intensified

hypnotism, X 132

claim scientific investigation, II 80

of clairaudience, VI 34, 36

conscious spirits of dead and, IV 169

contrasted with Christian wonders, III


contrasted with reality, VIII 312

cup, at Simla, II 492

are cyclic, VII 251

dangerous desire for, XI 165

Dayananda denounces, IV 94

destroy materialistic view of man, II


Dialectical Society notes, III 234

differences between occult, & hypnotic

hallucinations, X 132

disbelief in, & "spirits," III 228

of electricity & humans, III 23-26

elementals and, IX 111-12

elementaries role in, I 285-86

essence of, cannot be seen, XII 148

essence of "supernatural," XII 215

every, has its genesis in motion, XII


exist per se, VII 72

exists impalpable to our senses, VII


faith in reliable testimony and, IV


of fakirs, III 85

few have courage to tell truth about

psychical, II 137

forces of nature and, III 277

fourth dimension and, VII 84, 86

future of science and, III 93

genuineness of, does not establish

identity of agency, III 146

H.P.B. defends reality of mediumistic,

VI 289, 292

H.P.B. ordered to abandon, IX 50

H.P.B. taught real cause of

Spiritualistic, III 240

of human consciousness, XII 357

hypnotic hallucinations and, X 132

in ancient Egypt, VII 125

interchange of, between two worlds,

VII 84

involve non-human entities, I 283

jugglers acknowledge, III 237-38

Kama-rupa and, IV 449

key to, in the East, II 99

laws of occult, known to H.P.B., II


learn what they are & are not, I 274

of magic based on exact science, II


man can produce, greater than

mediums, I 296

matter passing through matter, VI

123, 126

may be produced by more than one

agency, II 109

mediumistic, & scientists, III 14 et

seq., 107, 112

mediumistic, can be done by

embodied man, II 108

mental, XII 357-58

of mesmerism affirmed by French

Academy, XII 224

Mesmerism and, II 135

miracles & Biblical, II 70

modern, repetition of those of former

epochs, II 107

molecular nature of psychic, XII


must be defended, I 45

natural explanation of, must exist, IV

601 fn.

natural, mastered by Brothers, XI 337

natural, only type accepted by

Theosophists, II 194, 490; III 111

nature of, in India, II 68-69

nature of mediumistic, IV 294

nature of, must be investigated, III 50

et seq.

never done for worldly ends, IX 112

no low or high, III 136

no physical, offered by T.S., X 242

not miracles, III 92-93; IV 84, 601 fn.

not supernatural, XI 425

objective physical, are glamour, X 131

objective, & subjective experiences, III


of objective world an illusion, IX 241

occult, VII 125

occult, & "miracles," IV 84

occult, opposed by T.S., IV 468-78

occult, rejected by science, III 93; VII 77

occult, scientific in nature, III 93,


of "Orientals" visitations, III 220

outburst of, a great opportunity for

study, II 110

people's temperament and, II 436

photographic testing of, XII 327

physical, agency, III 392, 395

physical, as psychological illusions,

VIII 50 (72); XI 336

of "possession," II 261-62

post-mortem appearance of man, VI

127-29, 138

as power over natural forces, IX 49-50

of precipitation, VI 118-23

produced by natural causes, II 194

produced by non-mediums, III 51

on production of, II 490-92; V 113;

VIII 57 (79)

psychic, VII 290

psychic, & trend of public thought, VI


psychological, and Damodar, VI 69-71

psychological, denied, IV 308

psycho-physiological, & man's will, III


purpose of occult, failed in early T.S.,

IX 46-50

rationale of apparitions, III 474

rationale of materialization, III 380

reality of, admitted at Church

Congress, III 345

reality of, must be proved, III 488

reason for flood of, VII 85

reason why forbidden, V 145

scientific denial of, II 188; VII 77, 83

scientific meddling into mental &

Occult, XII 351-52

scientists note, III 112, 233 et seq.; IX


sexual force and, IX 108

for simple folk, X 131

Sinnett vouches for, IV 111-12

in sky, III 86

of sound, VIII 332

spirit agency in, repudiated, III 29

Spiritualistic, can be duplicated by

adepts, II 37

Spiritualistic, not hallucinations, II 36

Spiritualists and, IX 49

starting of T.S. and, I 393-94

of stone-showers, III 244 et seq.; IV


subjective, & Hindus, II 80

takes years to master, XI 337

of telepathy, VIII 40-41

theories about, III 368 et seq.

T.S., failed to produce desired effects,

IX 46-50

Theosophists do not deny

Spiritualistic, II 37

unfathomable by current physiology,

XII 141, 148, 351-52

unwise call for, & chelaship, IV 610

various classes of, XII 307, 322-29

vital, goes beyond external senses, XII


Wallace on, II 38

will and, VI 289

witnessed by H.P.B., III 54

witnessed by strangers, I 246

Yellow-Cap Lamas do not perform,

publicly, IV 160

Yogis and, II 77-80, 119

See also Clairvoyance; Mediumship;

Occult Phenomena; Precipitation;

Spirit-Photographs; Spiritism;

Spiritualism; Telepathy etc.

Phenomenal Growth:

of body explained, VI 114-17


not true Spiritualism, I 282

Theosophical Society & wave of, IX



blind worshippers of phantoms, XI 164

Pherecydes of Athens (fl. 480 B.C.):

confused with Pherecydes of Syros,

XIII 284

contemporary of Herodotus, XIII 284

a logographer, XIII 285

Pherecydes of Syros (fl. 544 B.C.):

abuse of magic by, XIII 238

Apollonius and, XIII 237-38

called soothsayer, XIII 238

disciple of initiates, XIII 283

Eastern influence on, XIII 285

Encyclopaedists on, XIII 283-84

fragments, XIII 231

de Mirville on, XIII 238

prophecies of, XIII 238

on septenary principle, XIII 284

teacher of Pythagoras, XIII 283

———- Eptamuchos:

also called Theokrasia or Theologia,

XIII 284

first Western text on metempsychosis,

XIII 284

Phidias (fl. 5th C. B.C.):

Athena Promachos of, XIV 14

immortalized Jupiter & Athaena, XIII

183, 298

modern sculpture, XIV 14

tribute to Divine Inspiration of, XI



center of dynamite trade, XIII 216

Philadelphia Inquirer:

biog. of Katie King and, I 63 fn.


See Ptolemy Phiiadelphus


of Alexandria, XI 92

Ammonius Saccas founded, II 88;

XIV 306, 313

eclectic system of, XIV 309

few tenets of, remain, XIV 313

instructions for, XIV 308

lovers of truth, XI 214 (250)

noble ethics of, XI 227 (263)

Plotinus, Origenes & Longinus, XIV


Secret Brotherhoods and, XIV 27,

309, 313

true & false, XIV 12-13 & fn.

Philalethes, Eugenius:

See Vaughan, Thomas

Philalethes Lodge:

based on Martinism, XII 82

Count Grabianca and, XII 84 fn.

grievance with Cagliostro, XII 82-83


personal salvation and, VIII 166-67

physical, only is worthless, VIII 296

practical, VIII 162

reticence of Adepts a far-seeing, V


so-called, of Theosophists, V 325-26

true, expresses aspirations of trampled

masses, XII 4-5

Philastrius, Bishop (fl. 4th C.):

on Simon Magus, XII 572

Philip, Apostle:

duty of writing about Jesus, XIII


explained Hymn of Pistis-Sophia,


Philippus of Thessalonica:

poetic tribute to Phidias, XI 357 q.

biog., XI 585-86

Philips, Francis Charles:

———- The Strange Adventures of Lucy



bibliog., VIII 471

Philistine Rites:

David influenced by, XIV 316

Phillips, W. (1811-1884):

lecture on Lost Arts, I 231 & fn.

biog., I 522-23

Philo Byblius (42-? A.D.):

VII 217, 218 fn.

denounced Pherecydes, XIII 238

mistranslated Sanehoniathon, V 299

bio-bibliog., VII 95 fn.

Philo Judaeus (20 B.C.-54 A.D.):

on allegory in Bible, XIV 197

Archangels of, XIV 218

in Aristobulus' school, XIV 11 fn., 306

on Divine Reason, XIII 267

failed to reveal Mysteries, XIV 39

Jesus not referred to by, IV 363; IX

204 (226)

knew Bible to be allegorical, XII 342

on logia theochrēsta, VIII 186

Mosaic Books source of Platonism,

XIV 11 fn., 306

on origin of evil, XIV 217 fn.

or Philo of Alexandria, VII 217-18 fn.

on rising Sun, XIV 271

Septuagint and, XIV 178-79

———- Biblical Antiquities:

on Jews consulting demons, VII 217

Philo not author of, VII 217-18 fn.

———- Questioner et solutiones in


on "Second God," XI 241 (277)

———- De Septenario:

on sacred events, XIV 137

———- De specialibus legibus:

on mysteries, VII 123, 133


See Attius

Philolaus (fl. 450 B.C.):

VI 206

a Pythagorean, XIV 223

on Solar Fire, XIV 223

———- Fragments:

on number, XIV 10 fn. biog., XIV 561-62


Alexander the Great and, XIII 227

archaeology more important than, II


floundering in mere hypotheses, XIV 196

helps explode Western theologies, II 107

scientific progress in, XIII 229

students of, as cold anatomists, II 133


See Lucian


accused of demonology, XIII 238

Adepts respected by Chinese, XIV 18

always held similar beliefs, VII 198

esoteric presence in works of ancient,

XIV 3, 48, 277

God of, infinite, XIV 8

Greek, on Universe, XIII 86-87

initiated, had no right to reveal

sciences, VI 203-04

limited, not worthy of name, XIII 95

modern, believe in blind chance, XIV

9 fn.

most Greek, initiated, XIV 7, 276-77

old, intellectual quarries, XIV 6

"physical," & Universal Mind, XIV 10

sacred obligation of old, XIV 6

teachings of ancient, VI 202-10

true, is impartial, XIV 459

unpopular, & society, XIII 245-47

Western, inspired by Eastern, XIII 92

works of some, dangerous, XIV 60

See also Hermetic Philosophers; Neo-

Platonists; etc.

Philosopher's Stone:

Aristotle on, VIII 248

brought by Divine Builder, XIV 26

Hiranyagarbha and, II 285 fn.

key to problems of Life & Death,

XIV 26

no special, IV 291; XII 603

purpose of, XI 515 (538), 517-20


seventh principle, IV 290

Philosophia sagax::

See Paracelsus

Philosophic Inquirer (Madras):

IV 69, 155, 157, 230, 599; V 65; XIV

117 fn.

brave & outspoken, IV 92

editor of, abused, III 67-68

on editor of the, XI 409 fn.

errors in, IV 172-74

on Hindu pantheism, III 355

The Thinker  and, IV 277 et seq.

bibliog., V 386

Philosophical Vine:

meaning in alchemy, XII 54


Philosophicules as progeny of

modern, XI 439


See Hippolytus


Adepts & universal, XIII 264

all, stems from Planetary Spirit, VI


ancient esoteric, vitally needed by

West, XII 295, 308

archaic, has many rays, X 154

best test of, under trying

circumstances, IV 97

complete only if physics &

metaphysics embraced, II 158

conceit of modern, XIII 262

crippled by sensual perceptions, XIII


deductive or metaphysical, XII 308

definitions, XI 434-35

Eastern, and Pantheistic speculation,

XII 347 fn., 407

Eastern occult, is main stream of

knowledge, III 382

how to study Eastern, XIII 264

identity between separate schools of,

IV 492

Indian, XII 343, 347 fn.

modern & H. Spencer, VI 171-73

modern, only chips of Theosophy,

XIII 84, 92

most religious, reject ex nihilo, XIV


occult, deals with principles, not

details, III 383

outflow of religious feeling, III 349

requisite of true, XI 439

Theosophy as highest, XI 435-36

true, sneered at, XI 438-39

unshakeable foundation of religious,

XII 308, 347

Western, based on exoteric thought,


See also Platonic Philosophy &

specific Philosophers

Philostratus, Flavius (170?-245):

on Ammonius, XI 228 (265)

on sidereal globes in Babylonian

temples, XIV 331

———- Life of Apollonius [tr.]:

III 175 fn.

cp. with New Testament, XIV 138

kept hidden by Church, XIV 137-38

NT. life of Jesus may be based on,

VIII 203 fn.

reads like a fairy story, XIV 128, 132


on opponents of Eastern, VII 22


thrusts javelin through woman, III 116


as symbol of entranced seer, X

209 fn.


river of Initiation in Tartarus, XI 90

& fn.


meaning, IV 217-18 & fn.

Pho (or Pha):

as animal soul, IV 243

or Fo, X 354

"Man" or "Father," IV 18 fn.


as Moon in heaven, XI 97


associated with sound & color, VII 67

as Sun in heaven, XI 97


cosmogony, XIV 156, 202, 272 fn.

cult of Venus and, VIII 309-10

divine origins of, XIV 94

divinities were Elōhim, XIV 202

Ia of, same as Jehovah, XIV 272

India and, V 300

reverence for Sun, XIV 272 fn.

sacred alphabet, XIV 97

Sanskrit and, V 298

writing and, V 167, 297, 299

Pho-hat (Chinese):

See Fohat


Olcott visits Edison about, I 429, 430,


Phonographic Foil:

of 24th century, XIII 291


Orpheus and, V 305

seven-stringed lyre, XIV 269

Phos (Greek):

as Atma-Buddhi, XI 488

light & exoteric teachings, XI 486

as Manas, XI 487


as Lucifer, X 231

Lucifer & Jesus, XI 496-97

or Phaeton, VIII 17

Pho-ta-la [Sk. Potala]:

IV 11 fn.

Phōtismous (Gk.):

one translation of teraphim, VII 231

Photius (ca. 820-891):

first quarrels in Church and, IX 340

warrented Cyprian's confession, XIV


bio-bibliog., IX 447-48


magnetic emanations and, VI 341

of "Spirits," IV 60 et seq.

Phōtos (Greek):

of Iamblichus, XI 233 (270)


divine soul and, VII 205 fn.

as mens or mind, I 292

perisprit and, I 361 (365)

Phylakitēs (Gk.):

or 7 Luminous Ones as guardians, X

49 (57)

as vigilant guardian of Church, X 49



spiritual falling into, IX 240


allegedly, alone sane, VII 60

conceited & obstinate, II 274

derive income from human suffering,

II 189

druggists &, often legally kill, IV 73

prejudiced, spiteful & selfish, IV 380


incapable of acquiring knowledge by

spiritual faculties, X 128

must leave spiritual causes to others,

II 158


IV 307 fn.

losing ground, IV 309-10


psychology and, II 158

supersensuous, & chemistry, VII 75


reviewing books and, I 386 et seq.


ABC of, II 186

"definition," II 274

destined handmaiden of Occult truths,

XII 139

overstepping its limits, XII 351-53

prejudices in, & effect of drugs, II 189

progress of, XII 138

science of death, VIII 240

vitalism and, XII 139

Pi (Greek):

circle and, X 399

See under Circle & Geometry

Pico delta Mirandola, G. (1463-1494):

I 131

adepts and, IV 607

challenged Church, XIV 169 fn.

Drach a follower of, XIV 220

Kabalah is full of Christianity, VII

252 fn.

on Magic & Kabalah, VII 252 fn.,


Theses posted in Rome by, VII

252 fn., 258-59

bio-bibliog., XIV 562

Pictet, Raoul Pierre (1846-1929):

VIII 353

gases and, IV 215

bio-bibliog., VIII 471-72

biog., IV 662

Pictorial Language:

& ciphers, VII 268

of New World, II 315

See also Hieroglyphics


aura of newly born has, from past,

IX 400B

See also Astral Light; Astral Plane

Pierre Soleil (or Sun-Stone):

identified with Christ, XIV 221


frenzied Christian, IV 202-03


Herodotus and, III 41

Pike, Albert (1809-1891):

bio-bibliog., XIV 562-63


must accept truth of collective

individuality, XI 212-13 & fn. (248

& fn.)

Pilgrim (pseud.):

as writer, VIII 45 & fn.

Pillai, Kashava:

secretary of Nellore T.S., IV 288

Pindam [Sk. Pina]:

at Gya & bhutas, V 310-13

Pindar (522?-443 B.C.):

XIV 257

on Zeus & Bacchus, XIV 273 fn.

———- Dirges:

on death & initiation, VII 121, 132

———- Ode to Pythia:

on chrēsen, VIII 187, 223

Pindus, Mts. (Greece):

V 218

Pineal Gland:

cause of, concretions, XII 619

chief organ of spirituality in brain,

XII 619

corresponds to uterus, XII 698

illumined, corresponds with Divine

Thought, XII 698

Kunalini and, XII 699

nature & function of, XII 616-19,

695-96, 697

pernicious action of drugs or alcohol

upon, XII 496

seven rays of consciousness and, XIII


or Third Eye, XII 616, 619

See also Third Eye

Pingala (Sk.):

Ia & Sushumna, XII 616, 701-02

Pinjrapole [Sk. Paρjrapol]:

animal hospital & refuge in Bombay,

IV 282


Cagliostro and, XII 80

The Pioneer (Allahabad):

II 362, 388, 428, 439; III 8-9, 75; IV

92, 333

Anglo-Indian surveillance and, X 293

on astronomy & astrology, III 45

on dissolved religious orders, III 65

on Druse sect, III 176

editor of, II 262

Fadeyev letter about H.P.B., III


friendly notice in, II 414

H.P.B. translating for, II 391; VII 5,


on metempsychosis, XI 145-46

on missionaries, II 270-71

on opposition to Church, III 66

on phenomena & TS., II 99-100

on study of Russian, III 46

on Viceroy & espionage calumny, II 141


Great Army of, XII 93 (100 & fn.)

Pippal Cave:

sacred to Buddhists, V 247 fn.

Pirani, F.J. (1850-1881):

IV 222

biog., IV 662

Pirogoff, Dr. N.I.

See Pirogov, Dr. N.I.

Pirogov, Dr. N.J. (1810-1881):

declines to intimate beliefs in God,

XII 405

follower of Goethe in his youth, XII


foot operation named for, XII 405 fn,

knew Universal Mind as Demiurge,


Mephisto influences, XII 405

on non-material of the ego, XII 137

regarded as Agnostic by ex-colleagues,

XII 404

ritualism opposed by, not religious

ideals, XII 405

surgeon & pathologist, XII 135, 403

at University of Dorpat, XII 405

———- Memoirs:

on atoms, XII 408

on consciousness & brain, XII 414

"empiricism" as used by, XII 414

ethereal element believed in by, XII


on existence, XII 407

fifth dimension a possiblility to, XII


imbued with scientific mysticism &

Theosophy, XII 138, 405

on lower self, XII 406

on nature & composition of Universe,

XII 409-11

profoundly intuitional nature of, XII


on space, time & motion, XII 414

speculations on lunacy, XII 407

on Universal Mind, XII 136-38, 404

on Vital Force & Life Principle, XII

136-37, 404

bio-bibliog., XII 135-36 fn., 760

Piacha(s) (Sk.):

IV 553; VI 194

apparitions and, III 417

or bhuta, XII 171 fn. (181 fn.), 201

definition, IV 189

or Elementals, IX 109

haunts woman, IV 125

mediums attract, IV 55, 139, 141,

174-75, 181

passions and, VII 299

Dr. Peebles on, II 75

SamaVeda and, V 34 (63)

sιance worship of, IV 261; IX 108-09

state of, & relation to the living, II



conjunction of planets and, IX 211


cycle began about 255 B.C., VIII

174 fn.

Messiah comes in, XIV 153


well of lustral waters, XI 78

Pisgah, Mt. (near Dead Sea):

Moses and, IV 265

Pisistratus (600?-527 B.C.):

XIV 293

Pistis (Gk.):

knowledge, VIII 191

not just Faith, XIII 6

Pistis-Sophia (Gk.):

definition, XIII 5-6

drama of, "fall," XIII 40

drama of, sufferings, XIII 6

falls from Ogdoad, XIII 28

as first & last of female Aeōns, XIII


Hymn of, & 107th Psalm, XIII 60

is Intuitional knowledge, XIII 6

Jesus and, XIII 61-62

Jesus as Syzygy of, XIII 40

lower Manas and, XIII 62

Mystery of her Name, XIII 33, 39, 41

Repentance of, XIII 46 & fn., 60-62

Repentant personality XIII 50, 56 fn.

seeks to regain stolen domain, XIII

24, 28

or Sophia-Achamōth, XIII 24, 26, 28

standing on 7 headed Basilisk, XIII


thirteenth Aeon Region of, XIII 39,

52, 60

Venus and, XIII 33

without Syzygy, XIII 42


allegory of evolution of Mind, XIII


on Barbēlō, XIII 24-25

Church Fathers on, XIII 5

compared with Egyptian teachings,


Coptic MS., XIII 1

dating of, XIII 1

description of, binding, XIII 2 fn.

dialect written in, XIII 1

earliest rf. to, XIII 2

on Elias & John, XI 492-93

English translations, XIII 3-5

on fourth section of, XIII 35

Gnostic origins, XIII 1, 3, 6, 35

H.P.B. on, VIII 216

on Ialdabaōth, XIII 43-44

Jesus on the Name, XIII 41-42

key to portion of, XIII 40

lists 3 Deities of the Right, XIII 39

Lokas & subplanes in, XIII 27-28

noblest Gnostic system derived from

East, X 403

Odes of Solomon and, XIII 51

revised notes on, X 300

rich in Esotericism, XIII 32, 80

septenary name in, XI 489

taught by Jesus, XIII 7, 35

term in, used for divisions of Kama

Loka, XI 486

versions, XIII 4, 24, 25 fn., 35

bibliog., VIII 238-39


symbol of, VIII 204 fn.


Buddhist, grand philosophy not

religion, IV 201

Gunananda & synod about, II 138


See Pitri(s)

Pi˜ha-Sthana (Sk.):

in Tantrik Mysteries, XIV 126

Pi˜ri(s) (Sk.):

according to Buddhism, VII 184

Chhaya and, IX 241

collective wisdom of, XII 203-04

definition, VI 189-90

Dhyanis &, cp. with 7 Elōhim, IX 136

as disembodied Mahatma, XIV 278

early man and, XIII 23, 26

early Races and, IX 262

exoteric fable about, VI 191 fn.

fatherhood of, X 397; XIII 150

first humanity as astral chhayas of, X


identical with 7 Elōhim, XIV 202

influence bright side of moon, XII


intercourse with, V 34 (62)

invoked by Qu-ta-my, XII 204

lunar ancestors, VI 190

lunar and solar, VI 190

Lunar, not "spirits," XII 203

lunar progenitors & their descendants,

X 364

Patriarchs and, XIV 202

planetary gods as, XI V 202, 277

revealed in final Initiation, XIV


reveals Presence for chela, XIV 278

S.D. rf. to, XIII 50 fn.

seven classes of, IX 262

shaping of man by, VI 191-92

two classes defined in Rig-Veda, VI


Pitri-Rishis (Sk.):

sons of Flame, VI 193

Pituitary Body:

alcohol & fever effect, XII 698

nature & function of, XII 616-19, 697

Pius II, Pope (1405-1464):

awed by de Cusa's learning, XIV


Pius IV, Pope (1499-1565):

on papal Bull of, X 24

biog., X 24 fn.

Pius V, Pope (1504-1572):

Bull of, endorsed Astrolatry, X 29

fostered starworship, XIV 336

biog., XIV 563

Pius VI, Pope (1717-1799):

Cagliostro's death sentence commuted

by, XII 81, 87

Pius VII, Pope (1740-1823):

Jesuits and, IX 300, 313

Pius IX, Pope (1792-1878):

IV 395

abused heretics, III 68

death of Christianity began with

death of, I 374

elected in 1846, IX 308

Encyclical of 1864, IV 371

Gladstone prints speeches of, III 68

& fn.

"infallibility" of, IX 294

Piyadasi [Sk. Priya-darin]:

inscription of, & Alexander, V 242

& fn.

title of two Kings, V 237, 257

Pi-yun-si Pagoda (China):

Hall of Lohans, XIV 429

Pizarro, Francisco (1470?-1541):

II 304, 313, 326

kidnapped & murdered last Inca King,

II 339-40, 343


alleged, by K.H., VI 2-3

examples of, XIII 200

H.P.B. accused of, XIII 199-201


Biblical, stopped by violence, III



Adepts work on various, VI 247

of ants, VII 85-86

or bases of triangles, XIII 17

called the Treasure, XIII 64

communication between, VII 87-88

of consciousness & matter, XIII 57

contact between, X 166

each, reflected in another, XIII 58

& fn.

every, has own attributes & creatures,

X 381

fourth dimension and, VII 85

higher, & Ah-hi, X 320-21

higher, as goal for aspirant, VI 332

higher, within our 3 dimensional

world, VII 86

impressions of one, translated into

another, IX 163-64

Jesus on objective & subjective, XIII


many higher & lower, than ours, X


of non-being, X 369

not in, or to be thought of, in Space

& Time, XII 528

our, reverses notations, XII 561

Principles of man & seven, XIII 75

Rupa & Arupa, XIII 53

segregated by mind & consciousness,

XII 679

seven, & lower four, XIII 54

are seven in One, XII 528

seven sub-planes on every, XII 399

as Silence or Sigē, XIII 16

sub-planes &, in Pistis-Sophia, XIII 17

sub-planes of consciousness and, XII

657 et seq.

Table of, & Lokas, XIII 28

thoughts must be placed on highest,

XII 687

three higher Arupa, beyond our

comprehension, X 357

trichotomy of, XIII 53

unmanifested, also septenary, X 373

Yoga states & three sub-, XIII 65

See also Lokas; Talas


celestial work of seven, XIV 88, 142,

210, 328

colour of ruling, & Temple of

Borsippa, II 410

conjunction of five & three, III 197-98

correspondence between, &

Archangels, X 50 (57); XII 546;

XIV 322, 335-36

correspondences, XII 532-33 diag.,

536-37, 544-46, 548-49 & fns.

co-workers of Unknown All, XIV 330

dual aspect as celestial bodies, XIV


dwellings of Sun's lictors, XIV 327-28,


of Earth Chain & colors of

constitution of man, VI 14-15

Earth globes are not Sacred, X 340

eighth, & wicked men, III 298

Elōhim as architects of physical, XIV


every, a Septenary, X 30-31

exoteric order of, XII 551

fragments of former suns, X 402

ideations of, acted upon by Planetary

Builders, X 342

influence talismans, XII 382, 535

intra-Mercurial, invisible by end of

3rd Root Race, XII 549 fn.

light of, & magical statues, VII 219

Messiah's coming & two, XIV 153

misprint for "cycle" in Isis Unveiled,

VII 183-84; X 215-16 fn.

mysteries of Initiation & seven, XIV

142, 315-16 fn., 332

mystery, of Pagan initiates, X 31 fn.

mythological transformation from

gods to devils, VIII 16

not thrown out of sun, X 402

origin of, X 402

personified, XIV 335 & fn.

Rectors or Angels of, XIV 336

Root-Races and, VII 113

on Rulers of Sacred, X 340

sacred circular dance of, XIV 316

& fn.

Sēpher Yetzirah on mysteries of, XIV


seven, and Sephiroth, XIV 189, 210

seven physical, as lower Sephirōth,

XII 546

Seven Sacred, & our senses, XII 532

Seven Sacred, ruled by 7 Hierarchies,

XII 567-68

seven spheres of the, in symbolism, II 411

sevenfold & twelvefold

transformations of, IV 377-78

seventh, a mystery, XIV 332

"Skins" as symbols of, X 304

slandered by Church, VIII 15

are spiritual forces not globes, XII


"Star-Regents" informing deities of,

XIV 329

system of, & cyclic motion of ideas,

IV 451

visible, are bodies of Sidereal Beings,

X 31; XIV 210, 315 fn., 322, 327,

330, 334-35

week-days and, XII 535

See also Globes; Jupiter; Mercury;

Saturn; Venus etc.


must live in every sphere, III 26970


five, Rulers & Soul, XIII 28, 45

hosts, XIII 277

overseer, XIII 277

progression in, realms, XIII 265,


realm of Jesus & disciples, XIII 72-73

Planetary Chambers:

soul at death and, VII 113

Planetary Spirit(s):

ancient Kings prayed to, XIV 351

as angels, XIV 210, 314, 321, 334, 336

or Angels are real Gods, VII 120

collective host, XIV 164 fn.

constitute Adam-Kadmon, X 345

deal with 4th Principle but not 3

highest, X 341

definition, X 340

or Devas, III 269

Dhyan Chohans a class of, VI 111-12

as "divine Powers," XIV 314

Egyptian, X 48 (56)

Elect Angels and, XIV 89, 314,

336-37, 349

high spiritual & moral influence, XIV


human, was a, III 269

inspire men, I 295

intermediary agencies, XIV 330

Jehovah as, of visible Sun, XIV 272

Kabiri as highest, XIV 314-15

man's soul and, XIV 300

Mayavic appearances of, IV 590

Mysteries of, XIV 315, 330-33

not an Entity but Forces of Nature, X


nothing to do with spiritual man, X


once human beings, VI 126

Pitris, revealed in final Mysteries, XIV


Popes worship, XIV 337

pralaya and, X 344

are Regents not the physical planets,

XIV 328-29

remain in our spheres of being, XI 63

rule 7 Sacred Planets, XII 567-68

ruled by hidden Hierophant, XIV 332

Sacred Planets and, X 341

are sidereal, X 344; XIV 328-29

strike keynote of Truth, XII 600-02

taught One Wisdom to early man, VI


Theoi of Plato, XIV 326

universe formed by, XIV 334

unprogressed, simulate deities at

sιances, VI 189

See also Regent(s); Seven Planetary



consciousness in, X 330, 362

elementals and, X 362

have nerves, sensation & instinct, XII


juice of secret, may extend life, II


Karma of, X 363

used by HathaYogins produces coma,

II 460


as image in Gnosticism, XIII 30

Platino, Bartolomeo de (1421-1481):

———- Vitae Pontificum:

papal biographies, XI 79 fn. bibliog., XI 586


Bulgarian New Year's cake, II 147

Plato (427?-347 B.C.):

VII 62

age of, & current age, XII 310

Atlantis of, XIV 46

Books of Thoth used by, XIV 39

called Initiates "Perfect," XIV 56 fn.

concept of Divinity, XIII 267

crucified God of, XIV 287

cyclic motion of ideas, IV 451

on Deity & Cross, IX 270

Deity defined by, XIV 9, 62, 186

doctrine of Monad, XIV 186

on duality of soul, II 5 (16)

follower of Pythagoras, XIV 15, 62,


on Gods geometrizing, X 399-400

hidden meaning in, XIV 7-8, 14-15,

46, 62-63, 340

on Homer, XIV 8

Ideas as aeons or emanations in, XIV


ignorance of, XIII 264

immutable essences of, IV 451

influenced by Orpheus, XIV 308

an Initiate, VI 203, 207; XI 5; XIV 6,

8, 15, 257, 274, 276

on Initiates, XIV 256, 274-77

Jowett on, XIV 8 ff., 10-16

life cp. to Jesus, XIV 139

man crucified in space and, X 52 (59)

method of, III 196

monotheism & Gods, XIV 7-8

on mysteries of rebirth, XIII 80

mysticism of, XIII 151, 153-54

"myths" of, XIII 226

Oriental mysticism in, XIV 15-16, 63,


on origination, XIII 268

planets are Gods acc. to, XIV 326,


Pythagoras and, XIII 268

selective breeding as old as, XII 253

severe morality of, XIV 274

Solomon not mentioned by, XIV

177 fn.

on soul, VII 204 fn.-06 fn.

on Soul and body, XIV 10 fn.

on Sun and Son, XIV 271 q.

on Sun as a living being, XIV 324

taught at Heliopolis, XIV 254

transcendental mathematics of, XIV


"Unchangeable Existence" of, cp. with

Sat, VI 207

on Universe as a cross, II 145

Valentinian system and, XIII 14

view of Being & Becoming, VI 206-07

——— Banquet:

II 313 fn.; XIV 7

——— Cratylus:

XIV 7, 326 fn.

——— Critias:

on Atlantis, IV 262

——— Dialogues:

secret doctrine in, VI 207

spirit of mysticism in, XIV 4, 8, 14-16

——— Epinomis:

VI 187

——— Epistles:

enigmatic teaching in, XIV 7 fn.

on source of Plato's teachings, XIV


——— Gorgias:

VI 201

on Socrates' patience, VIII 46-47

——— Laws:

on prayers, XIV 42 & fn.

——— Parmenides:

XIV 7, 413 fn.

——— Phaedo:

on founders of Mysteries, XIV 256

on initiates & gods, XI 170 (178)

on object of Mysteries, XI 87

——— Phaedrux

VIII 186, 204 fn., 222-23

on communion with the Gods, XI 218


cp. to Upanishads, XII 347 fn.

on judgment of souls, XIII 80-81

on man's original purity, XIV 68, 277

on Mysteries, XIV 7, 274, 276

——— Republic:

on Er, III 451

on Gnosis, XIV 218-19, 340

on man crucified in space, VII 295 fn.

on marriage & race improvement, XII


——— Theaetetus:

on becoming God-like, XI 218 (254)

on chrēstos, VIII 192 fn., 229

——— Theages:

on Socrates, III 279

——— Timaeus:

III 428; VI 201; VII 194

Jowett downgrades, XIV 11, 15

on men as pure spirits, XIV 68

an occult treatise, XIII 147, 154 fn.

only Initiate can understand, XIV 7,


a Pythagorean Dialogue, XIV 11

bibliog., III 518; VI 443; XII 760

Platon, Metropolitan:

visited by a "spirit," VI 219-21

Platonic Method:

descends from universal to individual,

XII 517

key to Buddhism, XIV 419

Platonic Philosophy:

compend of ancient Indian systems,

VI 203

The Platonist (Saint Louis):

III 269 fn.


misery as necessary as, for some, VIII 167


servilely follow majority, IV 72


to follow true lines of Masters, X


H.P.B. took, never to reveal whole

truth about Masters, XII 158

mutual, between Master & disciple,

VII 242

sacred bond of 7 yrs. probation, VII


of secrecy & occult sciences, II 494


Theosophical Society, of secrecy, II


violation of, dishonorable, II 478

Pledge Fever:

one effect of, XII 586

is raging, XII 588 fn.

warning against, XII 515-16

Pledge of Esoteric Section:

 aim of, not adeptship, XII 501, 583

binding nature of, XII 501, 503, 592,


characteristics needed to carry out, X


clause of, recommended for entire

T.S., X 207

disloyalty to, can lead to expulsion,

XII 166

effort to keep, must continue, XII 493

faith in Higher Self and, XII 583

meaning of, XII 506-11

no interference with family duties, XII


part of, discussed, X 196-208; XII


of Probationers, XII 506

real, is to Higher Self & Mahatmic

aspect of Masters, XII 166

rewards of trying to fulfill, XII 537-38

sacredness of, XII 585, 601

withdrawal of, possible, XII 488,


See also Esoteric Section of

Theosophical Society


at Solar Pralaya, V 16263


vacuum and, X 318

Plērōma (Gk.):

all fullness, XIII 10

Chart of, XIII 15

Church transforms, into Heavenly

Host, XIV 162

definitions, XI 491; XII 570; XIV

162 fn.

found in Paul's Epistles, XIV 162 fn.,


Fruit of, XIII 16

in Gnostic scheme, XIII 11, 28

or Height, XIII 22

Hierarchies & chart of, XIII 71

Name of Aeōns of, XIII 78

secrets of, hide the Truth, XII 570

several Types of, XIII 32-33

Sophia projected Ideas of, XIII 40

Space of occult philosophy, XII 570

Table including, XIII 28

Unknown of Gnostics, XIV 162

vacuum, X 311

Valentinian Dodecad is, XIII 28

See also Space


chakras and, XII 619-20

nais &, acc. to Ha˜ha Yoga, XII 616

Solar, of sympathetic system, XII 701

See also Chakra(s)

Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.):

I 232

believed in Chaldean astrology, XIV


on location of Palibothra, XIII 342

on philosophy, VII 36 q.

——— Natural History:

II 93 fn.

Celtic wisdom cited in, XIV 311

on Zoroaster, III 451, 461; XIV 23

& fn.

bibliog., II 539; III 518

Plotinus (205?-270):

aimed to free Greek philosophy from

Oriental influences, XII 347 fn.

Ammonius taught, for 11 years, XIV

13 fn., 313

ecstasy of Theophania defined by,

XIV 48-49

ecstatic illumination of, XI 233 (270)

felt divine fountain, XIV 49 fn.

a guardian of Roman orphans, XI

215 fn. (251 fn.)

Iamblichus' work and, XI 214 (250)

Jowett's opinion of, XIV 12

lack of appreciation for, XIII 147

lived for the world, XI 219 (255)

practiced Theurgy, XIV 304

on three degrees of gnosis, II 95

triple emanation doctrine and, XIV


united to his Christos, IX 21 fn.

worthy disciple of Ammonius, XI 215



symbol of, VII 279 fn.

Plummer, L. Gordon (b. 1904):

——— The Mathematics of the Cosmic


clarifies esoteric geometry, III 321 fn.

bibliog., III 518


comes from unity, VIII 11920,

204 fn.

returns to unity, VIII 122

Plutarch (46?-120 A.D.):

II 93 fn.; V 244, 257; VIII 204 fn.;

XIII 154; XIV 139, 257

on after-death states, I 294, 362 (366)

on age of Zoroaster, III 461

Avesta and, IV 525

on circle of celestial worlds, XIV 330

knew heliocentric system, XIV 332

on Pherecydes, XIII 284

on psychē & nous, II 6 (17)

on soul after death, XIII 138 q.

——— Consolatio ad Apollonium:

on initiation, VII 122

——— De defectu oraculorum:

VI 209 fn.