Volume XV


A index


Aanru, Field of:

the celestial field, IX 63

corresponds to Devachan, X 50 (58)

deceased harvesting in, X 48 (55)


death of, a legendary cloak, XIV 177

initiated by Moses, IV 265

prophet in Exodus, XII 200

Aarzoo, Fields of:

as Paradise, X 211

Ab (Aba; Abba):

definition, IX 197 fn. (220 fn.)

Father, an initiator, IV 265

Father, & Mother Aima, XIV 213-14


Egyptian priest, XIII 231 fn.


See Abrabanel


or Narayan as “Holy Spirit,” III 188 fn.

Abba, Rabbi:

one of last initiates into 7 mysteries, VIII

147 fn.

Zohar compiler, VI 320

Abba Uddu:

definition, VIII 364 (384)

Abbah, Rabbi:

See Abba, Rabbi


Free Religious Assn. and, IV 78, 81-82

Abbott (Archaeologist):

archaeological collections of, in British

Museum etc., V 168


Azl and, V 76


psychic power of, II 290

Abdul Ghafur (1794-1877):

character & activities of, I 369 et seq.

Abdul-Hamid (1842-1918):

I 259


as convertible numerical symbol, XIV

44 fn.

esoterically female, VII 256 fn.

Jesus & Cain-Vulcain, XIV 151

occult meaning of, X 357

permutation of, XIV 188

piercing of, by Cain, XIV 151

Abel, Eugenius (1858-1889):

——— Orphica:

XIV 65 fn. & q.

Abercrombie, J. (1780-1844):

——— Inquiries Concerning the

Intellectual Powers . . . and Truth:

IV 294

bio-bibliog., IV 619

Abhava (Sk.):

definition, IV 580

padartha and, I 332

Abhayadeva Suri (fl. 11th C.):

Commentaries of, I 373


inner divinity idea in, XIV 55

Abhijña(s) (Sk.):

mystery of, V 254

supernatural powers, XIV 434

Abhinavagupta (fl. 10th C.):

tries to kill Sankara with magic, II 218

Abhiñña (Pali):

definition, X 47

Abich, O.W. von (1806-1886):

curious about miraculous well, II 126 fn.

bio-bibliog., II 521

Abiff, Hiram:

See Hiram Abiff

Abkari Law:

unfair tax of, II 294

Abodazura, Book of:

on Apostle James, VIII 382 fn.

bibliog., VIII 414


causes immediate rebirth, VII 178-79, 181

crime against nature, V 108; VII

178-79, 182

double suicide, V 107

relation to mother's kama-loka, V 107

See also Foetus


Indra’s elephant, IX 197 (219)

Abrabanel, Isaac (1437-1508):

reason for Messiah's symbol, XIV 153

bio-bibliog., XIV 505

Abraham (Abram):

Abrahm, resembles Brahma, XIV

91 fn., 92 fn.

Bunsen on antiquity of, XIV 93 fn.

Chaldean teacher of astrology,

XI 516-17 (539)

feeding angels, VII 208

Hagar and, XII 267 fn.

invented astronomy, XIV 93 fn.

Kabeirian-like name, XIV 94

language of, not Hebrew, XII 169

(179); XIV 176

means no-Brahman, XII 169 (179);

XIV 90-91

prototype in Hindu Pantheon,

XIV 92 & fn.

Rama no relation to, IX 198 (220)

sacrifices Isaac, XII 169 (179)

as sun-measure, XIV 93

in wisdom book allegory, XIV 175

A-brahm (Sk.):

non-Brahmana, IX 197 (219)

See also Abraham

Abram (Heb.):

measure of heaven & earth, VII 261


female form of, IX 198 (219-20)


derived from India, XI 242 (278)

Gnostic Mystery name, XIV 112-13

in hierarchy of Basilides, XIV 112

solar cock of, XII 374

Sun in Egyptian symbology, XIV

113 fn.

Supreme Unknown, XIV 112

the Word, IX 21 fn.

Abrew, Peter d’:

on Kotahena riots, IV 428 fn.

Absharon Valley:

Gheber Temple in, II 122-23


Absoluteness & the, X 336, 399

abyss between, & infinite, XII 342

as Ain-Soph, XI 221 fn. (257 fn.)

All & Universal Mind, X 325

anthropomorphizing the, XII 232

Being of Vedantin, XIII 310-11

as Brahman, III 424

Brahman as emanation from, III 407

Buddhist, is Space, III 423

cannot be understood now, X 319

cannot change, X 174

cannot feel, X 322

cannot think or create, V 354; VI 10; X 43 fn.

Deity not builder of Universe, XIV

210, 216-17

diagram of, V 175

or Divine Thought, X 360

does not create Karma, IV 194

does not differentiate, X 327

during Mahapralaya, X 333

Eastern & Western paths to, diverge,

IV 47

“Ego” & loss of false personality, IX 135

emanation and, X 359-60

first premise of Secret Doctrine, XIV


God as, & infinite, IX 363 fn.

(391 fn.); XIII 310-11

in Hegelian scheme, XIII 311

Humanity only active manifestation

of, VIII 66 (88)

Infinite of Church and, XIV 51

Infinitude, XIII 309

Light & its “south pole,” Life, XII 629

or limitless unity, IV 52

Man identical in essence with,

Principle, XII 519

matter, III 296

Motion and, IX 98

no attributes or qualities to, X 151,

311, 315, 322; XI 242 (278)

no, Being in Buddhism, III 423

Non-Manifested Logos will merge

into, XII 533

not speculated on, XII 569

is not the highest, XIV 375

is No-thing yet everything, X 43 fn.

One, is Becoming not Being, VI 10

Parabrahman is not the, X 336

Powers of, basis of all, XII 569-70

praying to, is useless, X 345

Principle as container of all, XI

240-42 (276-78)

Principle is unknowable, XIII 267

relation of, to man, IV 195

no relation to anything, XIV 212-13, 216

relative Truth and, IX 31, 33, 34, 98;

XIII 92-93

“Self-Existent” as, IX 98

Soul & human soul, XI 219 (255)

as “Substance,” XIII 311

succinct teachings about, XII 234

surveyors of the, XI 199

symbol of, Life & Sound, XII 564

Thought is inscrutable, XII 411

Truth & partial Truths, IX 103

Unity & Maya, IX 167

Absolute Consciousness:

is Absolute Unconsciousness, III 297,

423, 435 fn.,436 & fn.; XI 415; XIII     


Day-Be-With-Us and, X 405

definition, IX 138-39

“Ego” is, IX 24

is Eternal Present, V 77

incapable of cognition, IV 52

is limitless, IX 138

no consciousness, desire or thought

to, X 315

Presence and, V 97 fn.

relative and, X 318

relative consciousness and, III 423

of World-Soul, VI 196-97

Absolute Existence:

Deity is, so existence not independent

of, X 42 fn., 43 fn.

is non-differentiated Space, X 44 fn.


cannot be active, X 399

higher mind is path to depths of,

XII 537

is Parabrahman, X 336

as unknown Deity, X 399

of Yogacharyas cp. with Madhyamika view,      

X 347


required for spiritual progress, X 127

Abu Bekr (1226-1260):

Bustan dedicated to, II 290 fn.

Abul-Faraj (Bar Hebraeus) (1226-1286):

——— Book of Dynasties:

on Zaratusht & Virgin, III 461

bio-bibliog., III 495


no argument, II 27-28

unmerited, by enemy is best

advertisement, III 69


Great, is Kshetra of Kabalist, VI 158

Académie des Inscriptions . . .:

Mémoire on Religious History in,

XIII 226 fn. & q.

Academy of France:

acknowledges mesmerism, XII 224                       

denounces mesmerism, XII 217-19

hypnotism investigated by, VIII 106;

XIII 225

psychic phenomena Committee, IV

132, 145, 175

scepticism in, XII 120; XIII 144


as “crown of thorns,” X 90


See Akkad

Accident Victims:

earthbound, not drawn to the living,

VI 106-07

evoking of, condemned, VI 107

fatal infant, reborn immediately, VII


generally free of earth-bound state, IV


Acervulus Cerebri:

of pineal gland, XII 618

Acilius Glabrio (fl. 2nd C. B.C.):

VII 220

bio-bibliog., VII 355


or Atlan, once part of Atlantis, V 221


evolution of, X 361, 362-63

Acta Sanctorum:

alleged absurdities of, VI 280

bibliog., VI 427

Acthna (Acthnici):

Devas of fire, VII 283

subterrestrial fire, VII 283


basis for right, or morality, V 336-37

Buddha on, XIII 168

charitable, must have moral

foundation, XII 598

deedlessness vs., V 338-39; XIII 165

good, may produce evil, IX 286

occult law of, & reaction, II 218

physical & spiritual, cp., V 338-39

potent, faster expression of inner

God, XII 533-34

reaction &, often neutralized, VI 176

is real self-development on esoteric

lines, XI 469

right thought must be put into, VI


true motives for, XIII 168


 altruists', more worthy than Mystic'

talk, XI 478

Karma not escaped by no, V 338

samadhi is highest state of, V 338

unwise, better than wise apathy, VII



Higher Self's rebirths cp. to, & his

roles, VII 186

rebirth & Higher Self as, VII 186


VII 254; VIII 200, 212 fn., 351 q.; XI

 81; XII 348

cp. to Apocryphal Gospels, XIV 109

first use of term Christians, XIV 121

on miracles of Simon, XIV 109

on Moses, IX 350 (378)

on Simon and money, XI 523 (546)

on Simon Magus, XII 552; XIV

52-53, 109

Acts of the Apostles:

written by Seleucus, XIV 150

Adalbert, Bishop of Magdeburg (fl. 8th C.):

clashes with Church, X 15-16

people supported him, X 17

sentenced by second Roman

Concilium, XIV 105

——— Alberti Parvi ... :

condemned as sorcery, XIV 105

biog., X 410


accounts on, garbled, XIV 198-99

in allegory of Irenaeus, XIII 43-44

Arab & Sufi tradition on, XIV 175

coats of skin and, XIII 59-60

creation of animals and, X 175

daughters & pyramid measures, XIV 65

dual, VII 17

Egyptian Atum same as, XIV 204

Elōhīm and, II 8 (19)

Elōhīm-Jehovah and, VIII 356 (373)

Eve and, V 201; VIII 117

Fall is soul's descent into matter, XIV 204

fashioned of "red earth," V 219

first terrestrial man, IX 239

in Genesis allegory, XIV 298

given mystery book before Fall, XIV 175

as intellectual world, III 457

Kabalists on secret book & successors of, XIV 175

legend of, & Eve, III 187

manifested Kosmos and, VII 264

meaning of name, XIV 298

not first perfect man, IX 208 (230)

in Ophite allegory, XIII 57

primal pair and, XIV 203

sevenfold (Sevekh) and, XIV 203

solar dragon and, XIV 203

sons of Elohim and, XIV 201

Sophia gives Light-power, XIII 44

on "Third Race" of, XIV 188, 204 fn.

transgressed precepts, XIII 44

as Tree of Life, I 288

as two creations of man, XIV 199

Adam's Peak:

sacred footprint on, XIV 119

venerated Buddhist monastery on, II


Adamas: Great Tyrant, XIII 34-35

lowest of three Adamantes, XIII 35

Middle Region of the Air, XIII 34,

36 fn.

in Naaseni Gnosticism, XIII 35


earth & Rosy cross, XI 507 (530)


VI 157

born sans parents, XIV 289

Brahma the original of, X 346; XIV

185, 187

cube and, X 53 (61)

Divine Androgyne, XIV 146

"Heavenly Man," IX 238; XIV 199

as Humanity, VI 180

or Jahve, androgynous, XII 313

in Kabalistic numerology, XIV 44 fn.,


Macrocosm of Phythagoras, XIV


male-female, symbol of material

universe, X 45 fn.

material acquired by Monad, VI 15

Planetary Spirits constitute, X 345

Sephiroth and, III 457

as Sephirothal Tree, X 398

as seventh creation, XIV 199

or Tikkun, II 91

type of Macrocosm, XIII 52, 352

as upright pillar, XIV 98

a vehicle for manifestation, XIV 218

waters and, III 188 fn.


on hermits, XI 219 (254)

Adams, Chas. F.:

member of Hiraf Club, I 98

Adams, J.C. (1819-1892):

discoverer of Neptune, XIV 227

biog., XIV 505

Addison, Joseph (1672-1719):

on censure & persecution, XI 294

on society gossip, X 204-05

——— Cato:

XII 444 q.

bio-bibliog., X 410-11




active for mankind, not T.S., XII 31

advise & influence individuals, but

never order, V 330 fn.

after "death" merging in Nirvana of

some, XIII 32

American Revolution and, VI 15-20

ancient, incarnate in Tibet, IV 367

arise from Initiation trance of 49

hours, VIII 196

assimilate Deity, XIV 255 fn., 383

astral body solidifies at death, XIV

53, 383-84

astral of, can replace astral of person,

VII 138

astral travel of, limited to Solar

System, V 149

Atlantean magicians and, IV 263

attraction & repulsion and, V 152-53

aura reveals true race of person to, V


avoid leading others into temptation,

III 342 fn. becomes creator, VI 262-63

becomes, not made, VI 331; XII 496

biographies, XIV 139-40, 429

Black, in Catholic clergy, XIV 28-29

are Bodhisattvas or Nirmanakayas,

XII 31 brain of, & chela, X 266

Brotherhood of, & Sinnett's testimony,

IV 132

Buddha greatest of, III 267

Buddha is leader of most great, XIV


can go where thought goes, X 127-28

candidates for Adeptship and, XII 315

cannot be judged, V 339

cannot be victims of disease, VI 51

cannot disintegrate organisms above

vegetable, VI 125-26

cannot violate nature's laws, V 339

cardinal maxim of, V 226

centrifugal theory and, V 153-54

character of true, II 467

check each other's observations, III

473; V 23 (51)

chelas protected by, IV 476-77

Chinese Emperors revere, XIV 18

classed by principles under control, X

253; XIII 74

command Nature with soul of Nature,

VIII 57 (79)

communicate with intelligence of

Nature, 111 294

connected with early T.S., I 375 fn.

constitution of sun and, V 155-63

content to remain silent, V 226

continuity of occult knowledge

among, III 472

criteria for an, XIV 18, 135 fn., 137

cryptograph of, cited, I 439

definitions, VIII 183; XI 158, 170

(178) et seq.

degrees of, VI 247; XIV 371-75, 377

Delphic injunction and, XIV 55

density of planets and, V 153-54

desert their bodies sometimes, XII


no devachan for, VII 188 fn.

Devachan's state known by, triad, V


differs from Initiate, XI 170-73


division of labor among, VI 247

do not dream, X 255-56

do not reveal themselves to profane,

III 265

don't foreshadow their letters, XII 32

doppelgängers of, I 242

duplicate Spiritualistic phenomena, II


duty of, XIV 252-53

as Dvijas, XIV 140, 271 fn.

Eastern & Western, XIV 24, 233 et

seq., 444

elemental forces commanded through

occult sound by, IV 166

elementals used for tasks by, XIV 118

& fn.

enough teaching given by, for first

trial, V 146

erroneous idea about, VI 333

ever in communication with each

other, XIV 306

existed in many ages, VIII 204

existence of, should be examined, IV


explored invisible universe, V 22


few, in days of Aristotle, XIV 270,


fled India, III 487; V 100

flesh bodies of, not magically

transported, IV 176

form Astral Bodies from Auric Body,

XII 527

in full possession of psychic senses,

VI 136

Gelukpa Order has most, VI 198

good & bad, exist, XII 560

guard nature's secrets, I 108

Guardians of Sacred Lore, XIV 33

of Gupta Vidya, XII 346

Gurus and, IV 229

handicapped in proving their

knowledge, V 191

has more acute senses, VI 155-56

has "principality" after death, XIV

166 fn.

H.P.B. put in 11 week trance by, II

203 (206)

help Humanity primarily, not

individuals, XII 31

hidden libraries and, III 485

hierarchy of, & later subdivisions, IV

515 fn.

Highest, & 7th principle, III 414

how to become an, IV 342

illumination of, XII 618

immaculately conceived, VI 262

immortality and, VI 102

influence favorably certain minds, IX


Initiation allegory, XIV 160-61, 260-65

intercourse between, V 81 fn.

Jesus one of greatest, VIII 402

Jews had learned, XIV 181

is Jivanmukta when principles united,


Karma of man limits help from, XII 31

keep alive spiritual life of mankind, VIII 401

know extent of Occult science, IV 582

know "Gods" as first principles, XIV 50

knowledge of, based on records, V 203

knowledge of, first-hand, IV 484 (487)

knowledge & powers of, those of

future men, VI 103

known by words & deeds, XIV 137

language of, XIV 101

learned occult powers from

Atlanteans, VII 298, 347

Left & Right Hand, XIV 34, 101-02

lives of all, similar, XIV 139-40, 141

living now, II 438; III 369; VI 214-15

longevity of, IV 448

Love's significance to, IV 341

magical powers of, XIV 118 & fn.,

119, 134 & fn., 135, 300, 429

many, in various lands, VIII 400

as martyrs, XIV 28, 31, 141

Masters of life, IX 3

may attain status of Deva, XII 202

mayavi-rupa and will of, X 224

Mayavi-Rupa differs from Astral

Body, XII 608

Messenger of, comes in last quarter

of century, VIII 402

Mexicans had, XIV 24-25

moral courage of, I 102

moral qualities of true, IV 38-39;

VI 214-15

mortals may be animated by

principles of, XIV 382-83

motive determines Right or Left Path,

XII 191

motive in seeking powers of, XII 491

mystic Brotherhoods and, XIV 28,

139, 296, 298

-mystics scattered in Himalayas &

India, XII 345 fn.

Nagas or wise ones are, XIV 285

natural-born, very rare, IV 607

Nebular Theory and, V 150-55

necessity in nature, VIII 401

never meddle in politics, VI 17

Nirmanakaya of, is complete, VII 188-89 fn.

no disagreement between, VII 287

no right to heal himself, VIII 59 (81)

not animated mummies, IV 342

not eager to contact corrupt world,

III 260; V 291; V I 246

not exactly Yogis, III 304

not infallible, IV 484 (487)

not members of T.S after Spring of

1881, IV 39

not safe from accidents, VI 51

not wed to any religion, IV 162; VI

38; XII 125-26

omnipotence of, III 267

one living truth in heart of, XIV 55

organized body of seers, III 473

Oriental, compose 1st Section of T.S.,

II 493 (501)

are pagans, IX 357 fn. (385 fn.)

pass through 7 & 12 trials, XIV 140

Paul declares himself an, XIV 123

perceives the actual state of things, VI 156

perfect, IV 228

persecution of, VI 33 fn.

Personal Ego of, can live

independently, XIV 383

personal relationships of, IV 4 & fn.

Peter, Simon, Paul & Apollonius, XIV


physical organism of, IV 405

Pitris revealed to superior, XIV 277

planes of work and, VI 247

"possess the earth," meaning of term,

VI 42

power of, to evolve any object, IX 239

powers of, natural to his stare, VI 333

practical, always unmarried, IV 47,


Pre-& Post-Christian, XIV 107, 135,


prefer incognito, XIV 28, 33, 298, 430

primal Truths still held by, XII 601

produce sound which alters color, X 266

projection of mayavi-rupa and, XII

-psychologist working through

disembodied soul, I 352

Purified Ego & astral of, XIV 384,


or Rahats, II 438, 487-88

rarity of, IV 170; XII 451

real names of, never revealed, X 126

reborn consciously, XIV 373 & fn.,

377, 383, 406 fn.

recall of Divine State, XIV 52

reject gravity, V 152

relations with, through inner self, V


renounce Nirvana to help humanity,

VII 188-89 fn.; XII 31; XIV 53-54,

373, 386-87, 396-97, 406 fn.

resistance of outer self and, VII 309

Secret Doctrine of, must survive apart

from, XIV 33

seen by only 5 F.T.S. up to 1880, II

494 fn. (501 fn.), 499 (506)

seen in New York & India, V 289-91

self-styled, of profane world, XII 315

servilely copy nature, VI 119 fn.

seven classes of, XIII 73

Shamballa or "Western paradise" of,

XIV 447, 448 & fn.

sign or mark of, XIV 253

simile about condition of complete,

III 417

Sinnett's view of Moon and, V 171

some, remain in South India, III 487

as "Sons of God," V 221; XIV 271 fn.

Sons of Will & Yoga resist left-hand,

XIV 251

source of, power in nature, V 339

Spiritual Ego of, XIV 383

statue of Mexican, XIV 24

stellar matter and, V 149-50

studies invisible agencies in full

consciousness, IV 594

subject to Karma, XIV 406 fn.

subjugate outer to inner man, III 437

surpass mediums in phenomena, I 363


teach men's souls, VIII 401

term misused by charlatans, X 282

thaumaturgy of, XIV 107

Theosophical, are real, XIII 213

Theosophical Society founded at

suggestion of, IV 133

Theosophical Society not an,

"factory," IX 244

The Theosophist and, V 133

Tibetan or trans-Himalayan, &

Brahmanical doctrines, VII 287, 347

training for a White, XII 491

transcendent Personality, XIII 8

transfers memory of past life, XIV


true & false, III 263-68

true, never punish anyone, XIV 31 fn.

True, teachings obstructed by False,

IV 40

truths in safe-keeping of, XIII 264,


try to save mankind, XIV 139

"Twin-Soul" of, XIII 72 & fn.

unable to meddle in worldly affairs,

VI 247

unaffected by sense perceptions, VI


unconcerned with scientific

controversies, V 226

Valentinian, became a Pneumatic,


vibrations and, X 266

white & black, III 298

why driven from India, VI 32

as "Word" himself, XIV 271 fn.

work of, in Europe & America, IX


worship all-pervasive Essence, XIV 50

Yoga-power creates, XIV 261

See also Arhats; Bodhisattvas; The

Brotherhood; Brothers; Initiates;

Mahatmas; Masters


attained by will & soul-power, III 28

attainment of, defined, XII 691

belief in, firmly established in Ceylon,

II 438

Buddha opened, to all, III 399

circumstances cannot stop

achievement of, X 127-28

concentration and, XIl 696-97

conscious, & reincarnation, VII 187

crown of spiritual self-evolution, VI 125

degrees of, & their work, VI 247

difficult to attain, IX 165-66

forcing development of, impossible, X


germ of, in everyone, III 29

ignoble martyrdom or, IV 611-12

a logical necessity, XI 399

may be attained even now, II 488

necessary before becoming Mahatma,

XII 634

requirements for, X 127

result of many lives of effort, X 127

woman can reach, XI 301

Adhémar, Count Gaston d' (b. 1844):

Theosophical Society agapae and, XI


Adhémar, Countess Marguerite J.:

manager of Revue Théosophique, XII


    rf., XI 167 & fn.

Adhémar, Mme. la Contesse d'


 on Souvenirs attributed to, III 526

 & fn.

Adhikamasas (Sk.):

intercalated months, V 262


Calcutta ed. misrepresents

Vidyaranya's, V 191

bibliog., V 362

Adhipatis (Sk.):

Mathams and, V 179

Adhish˜hana (Sk.):

Akaa as, III 413

Adhish˜hata (Sk.):

agent at work in Prakriti, XIV 393

Adhyayas [Sk. Adyayas]:

on 2 missing, of Chhandogyopanishad,

V 289

Adi (Sk.):

generic name for first men, XIV 175

Adi Brahmo Samaj[a] (Sk.):

VI 68

English organ of, IV 146

mild theism of, not popular in India,

   V 100

 D.N. Tagore and, IV 109-10

The Theosophist not against, IV 406

Adi-Buddha (Sk.):

IX 364 fn. (392 fn.)

is Absolute, XIV 391

or Anima Mundi, XIV 401, 425

Avataras and, XIV 373-74

"creates" Dhyanis, IV 99-100

Eternal & conditionless, XIV 392

highest initiate stage on Earth, IV 228

Impersonal Idea of, XIV 426 & fn.

One & Eternal Wisdom, VIII 66 (88)

Parabrahm and, VI 177, 179

primeval Wisdom, XII 537; XIV 371,

425-26, 458

triad emanates from, XIV 394

true bliss in, XII 537

is Vajradhara, XIV 392

the Wisdom-Principle, XIV 391,



  Sikh sacred scripture, I 373; III 177,


bibliog., I 443; III 510

 Adi-Sanat (Sk.):

as the ONE, X 401

 Adisur[a] (Sk.):

kings of, V 309

 Adi Tattva (Sk.):

correspondences, XII 612, 614

 Aditi (Sk.):

all born of, III 326

Bohu & Vach, XIV 156 fn.

dividing into Nara & Nari, VI 157

Primordial Water of Space, XIV 191,


Rig-Veda on, XIV 411 fn.

as Sakti of fecundating Spirit, X 402

Sephira cp. to, XIV 87, 190-91, 418 fn.

Tibetan "Space" cp. with, XIV 411 & fn.

or Universal Soul, VI 191

-Vach, as female, XIV 157

 Aditi-Prakriti (Sk.):

is divine Nature-or Aphrodite, VIII 19

 Aditya Rishi (Sk.):

author of a Veda, II 208

 Adityas (Sk.):

aid Soul on journey to Sun, IX 63 fn.

Manu on meanings of, IX 262


Adon & Adam, XIV 204

Eheieh and, IX 64

met by Zanoni, II 160

transformation of, XIII 300


meaning of, XII 534-35


born on 25th of December, II 164

Phoenician Saviour, X 279


See Hadrian

Adrishta (Sk.):

definition, IV 580

the invisible principle, V 33 (61)

Nyayas recognize omnipotence of, V

33 (61)


Bible and, IV 236

a death penalty for Egyptian

neophyte, XIV 289

Jesus on, XII 385


from birth in Sixth & Seventh Races,

VI 117

premature growth into, VI 114-17

Advaita Vedanta (Sk.):

divisions of Prakriti, XIII 67-68

esoteric, identical with esoteric

Buddhism, IV 305, 451, 567

H.P.B. accepts Parabrahm of, VII


influenced by secret teaching of

Buddha, XII 345

manuscripts of, XII 345 fn.

Samkaracharya interpreted, XII

344 fn.

"Unitarianism" of, XII 344 fn.

Advaitee(s) [Sk. Advaitīs]:

beliefs of, same as Theosophist's, IV 336


VIII 173-74


of bogus magi, XI 305


See Advaita Vedanta

Adya (Sk.):

the first, VI 77 (86)


account of Mme. Zhelihovsky in,

Archives, XI 364 fn.

H.P.B. loyal to Cause not, XI 380-81

meager rations for, staff, VII 164

property secured, IV xxiv-v, xxvi

true Theosophists at, VII 168

Adyar Library:

holdings of, XII 300-01

Mrs. Ilangakoon and, XI 445

Olcott founded, XII 300

Olcott's hopes for, IX 130

Palm Leaf MSS. in, XII 300

prediction on, XII 301


mediums of, & initiates, VI 329


See Russell, George Wm.

Aea, Isle of:

habitat of Helios, X 280


as rain-maker, XIII 237

Son of Zeus, XIII 371

biog., XIII 371

Aegean Sea:

Aeolians near, came from Atlantis, V


Aelianus, Claudius (170?-235):

on wisdom book given to Egyptians,

XIV 175

——— Nature of Animals:

on serpent prophets of Athenians,

XIII 271-72


founding of Rome and, V 2I4-15

puzzled about the genii, VII 196-97


as Aryans, V 217

Atlantean remnants, V 215, 217-18

language of, Atlantean, V 219

magical feats of, V 218


Romulus compared with, V 215

Aeōn(s) (Gk.):

in   Aeōnology of Basilides, XIII 29

Barbēlō the never aging, XIII 24

Basilides on the Seven, XIV 112

Cabalists and, XIII 353

Christ and, XIV 372 fn.

Church is 7th, XIII 66 fn.

definition, III 296; X 308

as Dhyani-Chohans, XII 553; XIV

150-51, 162

emanation of, III 322

first & last female, XIII 40

Heavens &, shaken, XIII 34

Heavens of, XIV 112

Hebdomad of Higher, XIII 57

Jesus & the, XIII 52

of Light, XIII 42 & fn.

lost cast as Archangels, XIV 162

Magic Rites of Transgressing, XIII 37-38

man of same essence as primordial

seven, XII 555-56

members of body and, XIII 52

Pistis-Sophia descends through, XIII 60

of Plērōma XIII 78

Rulers of the, XIII 12, 13, 37, 42

similar to Devas, XII 570

of Simon Magus, X 403-05; XII


of Sphere, XIII 13, 37

Stellar Spirits, XIV 162

thirteenth, in Region of Left, XIII

24-25, 28 diag., 33

the Twelve, XIII 28 diag., 33

as world builders, XIV 150-51, 162


of Marcians, XIII 53

Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.):

VIII 187, 223 "corrected" by scholars, XIII 264

pledged Initiate, XI 90

testimony on ancients, XIII 233

——— Choëphoroe:

on doxa, XI 490

word pythochrēsta in, VIII 184, 222

——— Prometheus Bound:

XI 90 q.


dialogue with Hermes, XIV 294

father of Hippocrates, XIII 227

on healing remedies of, XI 243 (279)

Iu-em-hept or, IX 20


Aesh Metzareph:

contains key to Kabbalistical

symbolism, VIII 141

bibliog., VIII 414


is Akaa in its higher aspect, X 384

definition, X 384

relation to Manas, X 384

Zeus as, XIII 284


Buddhi-Manas corresponds to, X 384

5th & 6th principles of body of

Kosmos, X 384


altered polarity and, II 272

or levitation, II 466, 470


most powerful attraction, IV 121-22


numbers &, basis of occult doctrine,

IV 303


Hindus helped British in, war, II 299

Sikhs and, I 373


early races of, XIII 331-32

Aga Khan (1800-1881):

claimed descent from Mahomet, III

198 fn.

year 1881 and, III 198 & fn.

Agamas (Sk.):

branch of Aryan philosophy, III 401

occult powers and, III 403

Agapae (Gk.):

Christian, cp. to Mysteries, XI 92

dancing and, III 205

Saint Justin on, XI 99

Theosophical, XI 203-04

Agardi, Endreinek:

on de Lassa, I 160-61

pupil of Master M., I 162; II 366

Agassiz, Louis J.R. (1807-1873):

II 364

      believes in personal god, V 175

——— Principles of Zoology. -

V 267

on progress of beings, V 175

bibliog., V 369

Agastya Rishi:

on changing colors of man, VI 14-15

a great Adept, VI 14

immigration to Chaldea and, XII 169



Adepts, very slowly, IV 448; VIII 400

childhood heroes revive in old, XIII 297

cure for, XII 389

old, can be stopped, VI 313-14

process related to a bacillus, XII 389

retarded by hibernation, II 460-61


answers to pretentions of our, XIII

84-85, 131-32

obstructed by current, IX 101-02

astronomical cycles of Hindus, XIV

357, 365-68

on close of Iron, XIV 355-57

current, not conducive to moral

 courage, XII 139, 242, 310

"Divine," concept of Aryan races, XII 50

on four Zoroastrian, III 464-65

of Greeks & Hindus, XIII 265

of human race, XII 28

hypocrisy, materialism & corruption

of our, XII 34, 40, 44, 242, 310;

XIII 132, 149, 189; XIV 1, 5

inferior Wisdom of our, XII 310-11

of inspiration & criticism, XIII 265

knowledge during the Golden, XIV


martyrs, saints & heroes in each, XII


is materialistic & pietistic, XIV 1-2

meaning of present, IX 99-100

Miocene, XII 28

mystic lore even in dark, XIV 45

our, rather unscientific, III 358-59

Sibylline prophecy of Golden, XIV 355-57

so-called progress of our, XIII 132, 319-20

transitional, XIII 321

as translated in N.T., XIV 58 & fn.

of Voltaire, XIII 224

wonders of our, will perish, XIII 320

Aged of the Aged:

portion of, in each human, I 112

Agel (Egel):

as Hebrew term, III 130-31


H.P.B. best available, of Masters, X 139


stone writing, II 347-48

Aghora Panthas:

consume much liquor, II 456

Agliato, Marquis:

betrayed Cagliostro, XII 81

Àglio, Agostino (1777-1857):

Edward King and, II 533

bio-bibliog., II 521-22

Agni (Sk.):

Agnus Dei has same symbols as, II


ancient fire worship of, II 143

identical to Isvara II 34-35

one of 4 primeval Rishis, II 208

symbolical description of, IV 366-67

terrestrial or celestial fire, VIII 143 fn.

worship of, VIII 209

Agni-Dagdha (Sk.):

class of Pitris, VI 191

Agnihi poorvebhihi (Agnih purvebhih]:

hiranya's meaning in, II 285 fn.

part of Rig Veda, II 285 fn.

Agnihotri, Swami Shiv Narain


errors of, IV 471-72 fn., 474


IX 197 (219)

bibliog., IX 403

Agnishvatta(s) (Sk.):

Manu is an, X 363

or Solar Lhas, XII 644 & fn.

Agnostic Annual

on anointing of Christ, VIII 196-97

on Chrestos. VIII 186-87 fn.

on Egyptian Karest & Christ, VIII


Massey's article in, IX 18

term Christ used after 3rd century,

VIII 201

Agnostic Journal:

on Blavatsky Lodge, XI 371

Saladin on Church attitude to women,

XII 269-70

Saladin on Spurgeon, XI 192-93


Science needs broad spirit of, XIII



best workers for Theosophy among, X


in Theosophical Society, XII 341 fn.

Agnus-Castus Plant:

called the chaste tree, X 90

Olympic victors crowned with, IX 267

Agnus Dei:

Agni has same symbols as, II 144-45

Agochari  Mudra (Sk.):

sense of, debased, II 119

Agōgē Manteia (Gk.):

ecstatic illumination of Plotinus &

Porphyry, XI 233 (270)

Agonaces (Agon-Ach):

teacher of Zoroaster, III 451


Taj Mahal at, II 77


in Gnostic Triad of Invisibles, XIII 24

Agrippa, H. Cornelius (1486-1535):

on alchemy, XI 520 (543)

a Christian Kabalist, III 209, 264

died a pauper, III 208

Kabalah's lore known to, XIV 167

Kabalistic works of, recommended,

XIV 95 & fn.

on natural-born magician, XIII 347

on perfect square, II 145

slandered, XIV 278

on "time" & "Chance," XIV 98-99

as visionary, I 138

——— Numbers:

on occult virtue of numbers, III 196

on universal values, III 195

——— Occult Philosophy [tr.]:

on souls & shells, IV 594-95

——— De occulta philosophia:

on abstract power of numbers, III 196

on sorcery, VII 204 fn., 210

on soul, mind & reason, VII 207 q.,


on threefold good demon, VII 207,


bio-bibliog., I 443-44

bibliog., III 495; IV 619; VII 355

Aguna (Sk.):

"divine monad" is, IV 581

Agyrmos (Gk.):

definition, XI 99

Aham Eva Parabrahma (Sk.):

translation of, IX 99

Ahamatma[n] (Sk.):

definition, IV 99

seventh principle, IV 99


See Ahankara

Ahankara [Sk. Ahamkara]:

Buddhi a source of, IV 580-81

can return to cosmic matter, IV

550 fn.

Chidagnikuna and, III 414

China and, XII 633 fn.

definition, IV 581; V 80 fn.; XII 631,

633 fn.

individuality, III 410, 411

a Manasic division, IV 581

must be crushed out, XII 634

personal, can be destroyed, IV 581

as related to Antaskarana, XII 634

See also Personality(ies)

Ahavaniya (Sk.):

as sacrificial fire, IX 252 fn.

Ah-hi (Sk.):

conditioned by Universal Law, X 318

a flame, X 323

are forces, not conscious intelligences,

X 322

have no free will, X 322

higher planes and, X 320

idea of Unity and, X 323

Manasaputras and, X 324

Paranishpanna of, X 347

primordial seven logoi, X 317

Universal Mind and, X 316 et seq.,


various stages of, during manvantara,

X 321


exoteric meaning of, VIII 147

Macroprosopus, VIII 142


I am, IV 523

Ahnika (Sk.):

yogic secrets in 1st Mahabhashya, V 196

Ahrens, Franz H. (1809-1881):

on Hebrew musical notes, VII 263;

XIV 196

bio-bibliog., XIV 505-06


or Angra Mainyu, XIII 123

"God of this World," XIV 219, 340

hosts of Darkness and, XII 49

lower human principles, IV 522

man's ignorance & selfishness, IV 508

Mithra contains, & Ormazd, II 127

no beginning of, IV 420-21

Ormazd and, IV 263

Ormuzd &, inseparable, IV 420-21,

520-21; XIII 124

symbolism of struggle in world, XIII


See also Angry-Mainyu


Asura or, XIII 123 fn.

generic name, XIII 123-24 fn.

sevenfold Deity, XIII 123-24 fn.


III 467

Ahriman and, II 127

Angra Mainyu and, XIII 124-25

as Divine dweller in man, V 100

eye of, the sun, II 124

as father of Amesha Spentas, IV 523

haven for man, XIII 126

Jehovah &, third in deistic evolution,

III 457

King of Light, XIII 124

on Nasa, IV 508

not the Supreme, III 457

One Supreme God & its Ray, XIII

126 fn.

origin of, II 128

our age and, XIII 133

Principle of Good, XIII 131

radiant Ego-Sun, XIII 130

seven Ameshaspends and, XIII 126-27

as seventh principle or Monad, IV

520, 522

Spiritual Essence of man, IV 521-22

symbol of Boundless Time, XIII 126

or Universal Light, XII 49

World Savior sent by, XIII 127

Zodiacal signs and, XI 17


or spiritual teachers, III 467


in Apocalypse symbolism, XIV 214

fruitful mother, VIII 139, 148

meaning, XIV 214

a phonetic spelling, VIII 147 fn.


as No-thing, X 151

Ain-Soph (or En-Soph):

as Absolute, IX 360 fn. (388 fn.); XI

221 fn. (257 fn.)

the All, VIII 145

the Boundless, XIV 425

definitions, XI 23, 26-27, 241 (277)

emanates Aur or Primordial Light, III


evolved the Thorah, X 108-09

H.P.B. pins faith to, VIII 149

Hokhmah & Sephiroth, III 319

Impersonal First Cause, XIV 184-85,


an impersonal God originally, VII 259

as IT, X 303

Kabala on, II 90

Kether the reflection of, VIII 145-46

man is like, talking to, X 259

nature of, & emanations from, VI 316-18

Non-Being, VIII 142

not Biblical Jehovah, XIV 197

not in Bible, VII 256

not Tetragrammaton, VIII 144

No-Thing, III 456 fn.

numberless & Inconceivable, VIII 151

outside human thought, XIV 186

pale copy of Sat, VIII 368 (388); XIV


as Parabrahman, IV 421; VII 259;

VIII 143; XI 221 (257), 240 (276);

XIV 87, 184-85, 197

represents eternity, X 308

Sephira and, I 111-12

or the One, X 398

triune emanations of, III 313

Aiōn (Gk.):

See Aeōn(s)


composition of, IV 212 & fn.

ether, atoms and, XIV 420-21

Middle Region of, XIII 34-35, 36 fn.

Principle of all things, XIV 420-21


or "Golden Hand," III 462

Irish name for Zaratusht, III 462


new type, of Russian inventors, III 70-71

war by means of, foretold, III 71

Airyana Vaēgo:

Adepts in, IV 515 fn.

Atlantis legend cp. to, V 200 fn.

Brahmans in, IV 529

nature & location of, IV 526-27

Sambhala identical with, IV 526 fn.

Aish (or Aïsh):

as man, & its derivatives, IX 206 fn.

(228 fn.), 270

name Jesus derived from, XI 495

Aitareya Brahmana:

XII 169 fn. (178 fn.)

on doctrine of evolution & earth, I


bibliog., IX 404; XII 717


on Upanishads, V 297 fn.

bibliog., V 362

Aiyar, T.A. Swaminatha (1868-?):

biog., III 522-23

Aja (Sk.):

Eternal unborn powers, XIII 9

"first-born," X 254

as lamb of God, XI 490, 494

Logos, X 45 fn.

as Ram & Logos, VII 257

Ajataatru, King (ca. 63 A.D.):

Buddhist records of, nephew, V

246 fn., 248

dynasty of, V 258

kings of Kasis & Magadha, V 256

Aji Dahaka:

allegorical contests of Aryan Nagas &

Iranian, V 223

Ajigarta (Sk.):

father of Sunahsepa, XII 172 (182)

Holy Man of Pushkara Lake, XII 172


of Rishika, XII 172 fn. (182 fn.)

Ajmere (Sk.):

Lake Pushkara in, XII 176 (186)

pilgrimage to, XII 173 fn. (183 fn.),

176 (186)

sacred crocodiles of, XII 176 (186)

Ajñana (Sk.):

definitions, I 336; XI 474-75

the "wisdomless" principle, XI 476


Sikh guardians of place of worship,

III 178

Akaa (Sk.):

is Aditi or Space, VI 191; XIV 411

Anima Mundi &, Root of Life, XIV 412

arrangement of, rays around person,

XII 678

Astral Light and, III 323; IV 489; X

360-61; XIII 292

in Chaldean symbolism, XIII 75

corrupt, stifling to Adepts, V 291

definitions, VI 228; X 174, 360-61

eternal intercorrelations of, &

Prakriti, III 423

Ether is lowest form of, X 366, 370; XII 408

first Idea of un-created Universe, X 146

identical with chaos, X 314

imperishable records in, IV 555 et seq.

Jesus' garment of, XIII 32

John verse and, XI 500-01

memory of spiritual Ego, X 251

more subtle than Prakriti, III 405 fn.

nature of, outlined, XII 611

Nirvana and, XIV 411

not ether of Space, XII 611

not "hypothetical agent" of Science,

XII 408

noumenon of Astral Light, VIII 368


as noumenon of Cosmic Septenary,

IX 361 fn. (389 fn.)

permeable & interpenetrating, XII 408

phlogiston, IV 218

precipitation and, VI 120

psychometry and, IV 555 et seq.; VI


radiant heat & magnetism, III 103-04

tappings and, IV 144

realm of, X 360

record in, & fourth state of Dhyana,

V 93

represents Prakriti, III 405, 413 & fn.

Sakti can mold, into any shape, III 409

seventh state of matter, IV 264

sound and, IV 164 et seq.; X 314; XII 361, 611

as Space, III 405-06 fn., 413 fn.; XII 408

as state of Prakriti, XIII 67

subjective mind-pictures and, IV 356

is substratum of Sound & Antic Egg, XII 607, 611

is synthesis of Tattvas XII 611

two aspects of, XI 490

or Universal Ether, II 397

as Virgin, III 461

Akaa-Pradhana (Sk.):

primordial Fire-Substance, X 384

Akaa -Sakti (Sk.):

definition, III 405 fn.

Akaa Tattva (Sk.):

or Alaya, XII 614

chief agent in mesmerism, XII 215

correspondences, XII 612, 614, 621

Raja Yogis only use, & higher Tattvas,

XII 615

or vital essence, XII 215


Auric Egg's, Essence partly composes

new Astral Form, XII 610

currents & sorcery, II 218-19

"shell" & light, XIV 53

Akbar the Great (1542-1605):

tomb of, II 77

Akiba, Rabbi:

See Aqiba, Rabbi

Akkad (or Accad):

conquered by Nimrod, XIII 327

in land of Shinar, XIII 327


civilization & race name of Akkad,

XIII 327

language, XIII 327, 333

possible connection with early

Tibetans, III 419

of predecessors, XIII 328

symbolism of Khargak-Kurra and, XII


tribes & Aryan race, V 217

Turanian or Indo-European, XIII 328


of Africa, III 41-42


definition, XIII 124

Aksakoff, Alexander N. (1832-1903):

I 413; VII 304 fn.

asks H.P.B. to select mediums for

Russian investigation, I 91, 94

attended séances, II 153-54

on Commission for investigating

Spiritualism, I 213

defender of spiritual cause, I 204

on Donato's hypnotic experiment, II


on geometrical figures & 4th

dimension, I 359, 360

H.P.B. translation for, 1 1-2

H.P.B. writes to, on Isis Unveiled, I


medium Slade and, III 19-20

report & protest of, on Russian

investigation, I 205-10

Russian Imperial Councillor, III 19

scientific investigator of mediumistic

phenomena, III 19-20

warns H.P.B. re Spiritualist

investigation, I 210-13

on Zöllner's experiments with Slade, I


bio-bibliog., I 444-46

bibliog., II 522


See Gotama Akshapada

Akshavanta [Sk. Akshanvanta]:

esoteric meaning of, VII 67

Akshobhya Buddha (Sk.):

ancient origin of, IX 136


anointed, VIII 209

Al Rezi Pasha:

I 14 (19), 23

Alabaster, H. (?-1884):

——— The Wheel of the Law [tr.]:

Buddha on idea of rebirth, XIV 449

q. & fn.




Ala-Dag Mountains:

Adept Hillarion visited sacred cave in,

III 213-14

daily vision of stately figure at, III


God's Mountain, III 213

sacred Zoroastrian records in cave in,

III 212

Alagona, Peter (1549-1624):

——— S. Thomae Aquinatis . . .:

on murder, IX 302-03, 313-14

bio-bibliog., IX 404

Alaya (Sk.):

is Absolute Knowledge, XIV 439

or Akaa Tattva, XII 614

alone is eternal, XIV 439

as Anima Mundi, X 347

Buddhi a ray of, XII 607

Buddhi corresponds to, XII 630

divine Soul of thought 8z compassion,

XIII 267

emanates Cosmic Buddhi, X 324

essence of, is Love, XII 55

great Self, as eternal Harmony, XII 114

Logos is male aspect of, X 353

Mahat and, XII 636

root of all, XIV 439

source of the "God" in man, VI 203 fn.

Universal Soul, XII 630, 636

"World-Soul," XII 55

Alaya-Mahat (Sk.):

Intelligence of the Universe, XII 313

reflected in the personal Mind, XII 371

as Universal Soul, XII 313, 371

Alaya Vijñana (Sk.):

helps one reach immortality, VI 102

hidden knowledge, VI 101; XIV 423


Russian Theosophical journal, XIII


von Reincke edited, XIII 209

Alba Longa:

foundation of, V 214

Alba Vestis:

garment of Isis priests, XI 77


algath and, XIV 95

letter arrangements, XIV 98

Albertini, Dr.:

color-sound correspondences discovery

by, XII 90

Albertus Magnus (1200?-1280):

visionary, I 138

——— Lib. de Univers.:

on Sign of Celestial Virgin & Dec.

25th, II 164


influence traced to Manicheans, X 68,


Albizzi, Cardinal (1593-1684):

mystery names and, X 28

biog., X 411

Albumazar (805-885):

on Virgin constellation, XIV 292 fn.


See Alkahest


on alcahest of inferior, VIII 248

the Chemist of today, XIV 63

on Deity & Circle, XIV 62

Democritus of Abdera, XIV 298

on Fire, II 36

key to, jargon found only in Orient,

XI 527 (549)

mediaeval, used Esoteric blinds, XIV


Moses & Solomon proficient in, XIV


occult meaning of transmutation, XII


philologist &, as occult terms, XI 230


Rosicrucians as, I 106

some illustrious, XI 510 (533)

spiritual help of woman and, XII 533

stone of, XII 53

symbolic expressions of, XII 52-55,


works of some, dangerous, XIV 60

See also Alkahest

Alchemist's Encheiridion:

on philosopher's stone, XI 520 (543)


as a science, VII 75

academic disdain for, XIII 211

of Chaldaeans & Chinese, XIV 298-99

China and, XI 514-16 (537-39)

degraded, VIII 258

Egyptian priests taught, XIV 298

European, originated in Far East, XI

516 (539), 525 (548)

jargon of, has many meanings, XI 510


known to Moses, XI 44

kryaakti and, XI 506 (529)

mother of chemistry, IV 313; VIII 56


occult, and atom, X 370-71

occult chemistry in, XII 85-86

as old as man, XIV 298

origin of, XI 511 et seq. (534 et seq.)

principle object of, XI 518 (541)

Spiritual, has physical counterpart, XIV 299

spiritual philosophy, VIII 248-49

third object of, is only true, XI 515-16


three sisters" symbolism in, XII 85-86

works on, underground, XI 514 (537)

writings on, purposely veiled, XI 522

(544-45), 526 (549)

See also Alkahest


Occultism requires abstinence from,

IV 544

opium and, IX 160

preserves bad magnetism of men, IX


used by Aghoras, II 456

why forbidden to occult students, XII

496, 685, 698

Alden, Wm. L. (1837-1908):

bio-bibliog., I 446-47

Aldrovandi, Ulysse (1522-1605):

VII 82

bio-bibliog., VII 355


IV 335


as bull symbol, XIV 207

in Hebrew, XIV 208

Aleph (pseud):

See Limousin, Charles


ancient city known for Mysteries, XIV


last Druids perished at, XIV 311

Thebes of the Kelts, XIV 294


breath of Life, VIII 249

definition, XIII 16

only study of Pleroma reveals, XII 570

Truth of the Mysteries, XII 570

Alētheias [Gk.]:

one translation of teraphim, VII 231

Aleutian Islands:

once a land bridge to China, V 222

Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor

(fl. 82 B.C.):

on Abraham's birth, XIV 93 fn.

on Pythagoras, III 451

Alexander I (1777-1825?):

mysterious disappearance of, III

124 fn.

Alexander II (1818-1881):

assassination of, III 121-25, 155-70,


character of, I 259, 262

Lincoln and, III 125

medium's version of, assassination, III


numerical factors in life of, III 201-02

Princess Yuryevsky and, III 167-68 fn.

Turkish barbarities and, I 256-57

Alexander III, Emperor (1845-1894):

funeral of nurse to, XIII 191

numbers and, III 201

Princess Yuryevsky and, III 169

Alexander Jannaeus (r. 106-79 B.C.):

real Jesus lived at time of, IV 362;

VIII 189 fn., 362 & fn. (380 & fn.)

Alexander, Otho:

corresponds with H.P.B., I 409, 414,

418, 427, 436

Alexander Severus (208-235):

XIV 133

a Neo-Platonist, XIV 312

revered Apollonius, XIV 135

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.):

Adepts receded before sword of, XIV 294

invasion of India by V 195, 233, 242, 243

de Mirville on, XIII 227

Napoleon &, earthly heroes, XIV 381

philology and, XIII 227

Alexander Trallianus (fl. 6th C.):

VII 220

bio-bibliog., VII 356

Alexandra, Iossifovna:

Grand Duchess, III 166

Alexandre, Charles (1797-1872):

——— Oracula Sibylina:

VIII 229

bibliog., VIII 417


philosophers of, not understood, XI 227 (263)

Alexandrian Library:

founder & texts of, XIII 231-32

parchment rolls survive five, XIII 231 & fn.

Phoenician & Persian texts in, XIII 231

Alexandrian School:

II 87

believed in one impersonal Absolute

Deity, X 73

magic reborn in, I 141

Álgya-Pap, Zóltan de (d. 1988):

tr. H.P.B.'s unfinished tale, XIII 209

Al-žakim, abu-'Ali Mansur (985-1021):

Fatimite Khalif, III 183 fn.

not founder of Druses, III 176


fate of the, XIII 185


See Elōhim

Alienist and Neurologist:

on human fire-breather, V 101-02


symbolized by 2 lunar horns, XI 97


——— Centrum naturae concentratum:

on macrocosm & microcosm, XI 519(542)

bibliog., XI 563

Alkahest (or Alcahest):

ancient China had the, XI 512 (535)

secret produced philosopher's stone,

XI 517-18 (540-41)

spiritual meaning of, VIII 248-49

See also Alchemist(s); Alchemy


as Absolute, VIII 117

absolute, as space, X 176

absorption into One, IV 121

the Boundless, X 331

as Divinity of Theosophists, VIII

368-69 (388)

Great, & loss of self, XI 105

Great, or Sat, VIII 57 (79)

the immutable, X 399

includes totality of consciousness, XI 416 fn.

Incomprehensible, III 456

indivisible, & Ego of man, XI 246(283)

the Infinite, IV 52

Nothing & the, XI 114 (128)

personal God and, IX 169

rules to become One with Universal, IX 160

Spirit of man reflection of the, IX 250

All the Year Round:

on Saint-Germain, III 126-28

bibliog., III 495


all-good, XIII 102

Allahabad Pioneer:

on surveillance of H.P.B., XIII 206


One Existence or, VI 10 fn.

or Svabhavat, XII 543

Allbutt, H.A.:

on antiquity of man in America, II 335

bibliog., II 522


of Hindu Scriptures explained in

Esoteric Buddhism, VI 147

key to sacred scriptures, XIII 146

on Maharaja & palace, VII 273

New Testament an, IX 203 (225)

used as a blind, XIII 146

Allen, Judge:

the Holmeses and, I 69

Allen, C. Grant B. (1848-1899):

on age of human race, XII 28-29

contrasted to Plato & Comte, XII     253-54

defended scientific materialism, XIII 154

evolution and, XI 190, 201

Indian lizard and, X 389

——— "The Girl of the Future":

denies women the intellect of men,

XII 250-51

favored eugenics, XII 252

on women, XII 251, 254, 255-56

bio-bibliog., X 411

Allen, G.W. (London Clergyman):

founded a "Christo Theosophical

Society" XII 131


not finite or conditioned, IX 169


fail at Leipzig, IV 75-76

Homeopaths &, should combine, IV 319

only, in West Indies, IV 74-75


or Basques, V 217


grave offerings and, II 168

Almora Swami:

VI 38

arguments of, IV 560 et seq.

H.P.B. and, V 124

Alogon (Gk.):

irrational soul, VII 229

Aloka (Sk.):

descent of Monad from, X 368


title of highest Egyptian Hierophant,

  XIV 288-29


Hebrew, as an emanation, XIV 102

Hebrew, & Genesis, XIV 206-07

Hebrew, & permutations, VII 262

in Kabalistic symbols, XIV 95, 102

musical value of Sanskrit. VII 263,264 fn.

numerical values of letters, XIV 181

originate with the Gods, XIV 97

philosophical formation of, XIV 98

Temura permutation, XIV 95 fn.

of Thoth, & Tarot, XIV 106

Alphonso X (1252-1284):

Astrological Tables of, III 194 & fn.

——— Las Siete Partidas:

code of, 111 194

bio-bibliog., III 495-96

Altai Mountains (Central Asia):

Altai settlements and, XIII 330

emergence of Turanian race from,

XIII 329

"Successor" of Buddha lives in, III 185


messenger of, prepares Druses for

initiation, III 184

Supreme Wisdom, III 181

Universal spirit, III 184 & fn.


High-, & the pyx, XI 83

of pagan worship, XI 78 et seq.


trained Cagliostro, XII 79-80


Yogi living in high, III 140-41


ardent, needed for spiritual progress,

V 339

as basis for intuition, IX 400G

Comtists on religion and, XIII 97

cure for difficulties, XI 164

definition, VIII 171

foremost virtue of Theosophy, XIII 97

humanity needs, & ethics for

happiness, VIII 55 (77)

international, VIII 63 (85)

man's surest policy of salvation, X 74

must be expressed in action, XI 469

obtaining of truth and, IX 400G

perfect, needs wisdom & good works, VIII 170

practice of, defines a Theosophist, X 69

rare among Theosophists, XI 215 (251)

real Theosophy is, XI 202

Theism without, is pious egotism, IV 497-98

theoretical & practical, XI 427

Theosophy and, XI 218-19 (254-55)

as true occultism, IX 254, 258

will rule if Brotherhood accepted, XII 302


active, worth more than Theosopher's

talk, XI 478

Theosophist as, XI 218-19 (254-55)

Amadeus (1420?-1482):

sainted nobleman & prophet, X 20-21

bio-bibliog., X 411-12

Amagandha Sutta:

on abstinence & freedom from delusions, XI 470-71

on evils of self-praise &

disparagement of others, XI 471

bibliog., XI 563

Amara Si~mha (ca. 375 A.D.):

attempts to set date of, V 184-86

——— Amarakoa:

V 220

bibliog.., V 369, 362

Amarapura (Sk.):

Ceylonese sect, VI 83 (92)

a Southern Buddhist sect, V 346

Amasis II (560?-526 B.C.):

destroyed Egypt's priestly lineage, XIV 297


atrocities of, II 407-08


circle dance of, XII 278; XIV 316


superstitions of, II 173


disconsolate over lack of heirs, XII 170 (180)

King of Ayodhya, XII 170 (180),

172 fn. (182 fn.)

legend about, cp, with biblical one, XII 169 (179)


festivals of Ceres, XI 100


ectricity and, X 382

Amberley, Viscount:

See Russell, John


selfishness &, as curses, IV 419

Ambrose, Saint (340-397):

VII 47

Christ seen as angel of Sun by, XIV 321

on Eastern temple door, XIV 318

——— De fide ad Gratianum

  Augustum . . .

on Uriel, X 17

bibliog., X 412


gods and, XII 187 fn.

Ambrosius, St.:

See Ambrose, Saint

Amélineau, Émile C. (1850-1915):

Bodleian papyrus and, XIII 30

tr. of Pistis-Sophia, XIII 3-4

———— “Essai sur le Gnosticisme

Égyptien ...” .

XI 240 fn. (276 fn.)

on tears & creation, XIII 46

on Valentinians, XIII 25

bibliog., XI 564; XIII 371


Amen & numerical value of, XII 534

or Seven Aums, XIII 10

Amenhotep III:

Compiler's notes on, VIII 376-77 fn.

scene of conception of, at Luxor, VIII

   359 (376-78)


Osirified soul and, VII 125


antiquity of man in, II 335

Chinese Buddhists in ancient, II 432

first map of, V 221

forerunners of new sub-race appearing

in, XII 154

known to ancient India, II 79

most ancient ruins in South, II 319

name of, & Meru, II 313 fn.

prehistoric ruins in, II 303 et seq.

See also United States of America


audacity in criticizing Russia, XII


self-confidence of some, IV 147

self-proclaimed Christs, XII 78

social life, XII 90

treatment of Red Indians, XII 281,


American Antiquarian:

on Hebraic Theosophy, XI 32

American Bibliopolist:

Sotheran and, I 121

American Conventions of the T.S.:

See Theosophical Society

American Free Methodist Church:

Firebrand of, XII 55

American Journal of Science:

on static electricity, III 24


See Indians, American

Ameshaspends (or Amesha Spentas):

See Amshaspends

Amicis, Pietro d':

magician, I 137

Amicus, Francis (1578-1651):

——— Cursus Theologiae . . .:

on murder, IX 305, 315

bio-bibliog., IX 404

Amida Buddha:

Senzar form of Adi-Buddha, XIV 425

See also Amitabha Buddha; Amita


Amida Sutra:

Kumarajiva translated, XIV 448

bibliog., XIV 506

Amiot, J.-M. (1718-1793):

——— Mémoires concernant . . . .:

VII 201 on Koueîs, VII 203

bio-bibliog., VII 209, 356


meaning of title, I 371


Muslim title, I 371

Amita Buddha (Sk.):

Adi-Buddhi and, XIV 426 & fn.

Ain-Soph & Anima Mundi similar,

XIV 425

Amida or Amitabha, XIV 425-28, 448

Amita-Pho is, IV 18-19

applied to Sakyamuni, XIV 425

Chinese version of, XIV 425-26

highest celestial Dhyani is, IV 18

philosophical, differs from popular,

XIV 426 & fn.

Tsong-kha-pa an incarnation of, XIV 427

Amitabha Buddha (Sk.):

Book of Dzyan mentions, IX 136

is Boundless Light or Age, XIV 409

  & fn., 425-26

Buddhi goes to paradise of, VII 202

a Dhyani-Chohan, IX 136

differs from Amita Buddha, XIV

425-26 & fn.

Father of Kwan-yin, VI 103-04

Padmapani and, XII 518-19

sutra on, XIV 409 & fn.

Western Paradise of, IX 135-36; XIV

426 & fn., 448 & fn.

See also Od-pad-med



Ammianus Marcellinus (330?-395):

on Brahmans, V 222

mistaken on Darius, III 466-67

on "Ur of the Chaldees," XIII 326

on Zoroaster, XIV 23

——— Roman History:

IX 275 q.

on divination, VII 234 & fn., 239

on Hindu hermits, XIV 22

on Hystaspes in India, IV 529

on Zoroaster & magic, XIV 23 & fn.

bio-bibliog., XIII 371

bibliog., IX 404; XIV 506

Ammonius Saccas (175?-242):

on books of Thoth, XIV 39

called "god-taught," XIV 12-13, 305,


on Christ's mission, XIV 306-07

followers of, were like Masons, XI 92

founder of Neo-Platonism, XIV

11 fn., 12, 300, 305

goal of, same as Theosophists, XI 228


influenced Judaism, XIV 308

"Lover of truth," XIV 13 & fn.,


misunderstood by scholars, XIII 147

moral disciplines of, XIV 307

Mystery-Language and, XI 236-37


oath of secrecy and, II 95

objects of, II 88-89

Plotinus taught by, XIV 13 fn.

on practical wisdom, XI 228 (265)

reconciled systems into one, XIV


renounced yet influenced Christianity,

XIV 13 fn., 305 fn.

school dated from Hermes, XIV 131,


the Theodidaktos, XI 214 (250)

Theosophical Society cp. to school of,

XIV 305

Wilder on, XIV 12, 35, 305-07

work of, revived by Theosophists, II


works attributed to, XIV 13-14 fn.

wrote nothing, XIV 11 fn., 13 & fn.,



VIII 113


symbolism of horns of, VIII 26


meaning, III 131 & fn.


hymn to, quoted, XII 570

as Lucifer, VIII 25

selection of King and, VII 102-03


on tabernacle, XIII 279

Ampère, A.M. (1775-1836):

discovery of electric repulsion, IV 222

bio-bibliog., IV 620


intellectually, beings, VII 88


II 187

Amphitheatrum ... .:

See Khunrath

Amrita (Sk.):

Elixir of Knowledge, XIV 403

Soma and, IX 63

Water of Life, X 372; XIV 403

Amrita Bazaar Patrika:

approved T.S. work in India, IV 23-24

on Chendry, II 294, 296

editor of, writes Olcott, II 262

on events at Lahore, IV 476

Olcott's work endorsed by, IV 5


secret Masonic MSS, and, XI 176


Amru [Amr ibn-al-As] (594?-664):

burned Alexandrian Library, XIV 295


church disfigured, XIV 321-22

"Holy Seven," XIII 127

identical with Sephiroth, III 456

opposed by seven Archidevs, XIII 127

Ormazd as spiritual totality of, III


Ormuzd is seventh, XIII 126-27

our six principles, IV 523

seven, cp. with Elōhim, XIV 198 fn., 321

synthesis of, XIII 124 fn.

Amulam-Mulam [Sk. Amula-mula]:

definition, IV 580


as Divine Wisdom, XIV 301

God of Wisdom, XIV 306

See also Pot-Amun


See Arrianus


See Higgins, Godfrey


Venus or Aphrodite-, VIII 18


regent of Venus, XIV 315 & fn.

Anagamin (Sk.):

blissful state of, X 239

definition, XIV 434 fn.

Initiation rite of, VII 276; XIV 261-62

Sakridagamin cp. with, XIV 434 fn.

Anagni-Dagdha (Sk.):

class of Pitris, VI 191


Gnostic, a blind, XIII 32

Anahatachakra (Sk.):

seat of universal life-principle is in

heart or, III 409


on era of Toltecs entering, II 315


as Divine Race, XIV 94, 314

Kabeiri worshipped at, 111453 fn.


argument by, recommended, X 372-73

axiom of occultism, X 372-73

boundless field of, II 146

guides Initiates in prevision, VI 116

importance of, IV 317

law of, & harmony, I 289

only rule of evidence accepted by

Theosophists, I 296

research and, V 148

sure guide in occult sciences, VII 277-78

throughout nature, VII 290


hold fast to that which passes, I 300

spectrum, V 146


decomposition of chemical elements,

XII 359

method of exact science, XII 359


——— Samkaravijaya:

Calcutta rescension unreliable, V


bio-bibliog., V 367, 369

Anandamaya (Sk.):

as fifth principle, IV 582

Anandamayakoa (Sk.):

body of bliss, XIV 262

See also Koa(s)


See Madhwacharya


instant death of, I 159


bloody nihilists, IV 419

incarnations of Destroying Power,

XIII 215

Anastasi Papyri:

St. Paul's invocation and, XIV 348

proves antiquity of Zodiac, XIV



Paul on, I 293

Theosophy believes in, of soul, II


Anastasius the Sinaîte (fl. 7th C.):

——— Patrologie Grecque:

on magic of Simon Magus, XIV 119

bio-bibliog., XIV 506

Anasuya (Sk.):

female adept, conceives immaculately,

VI 262


Humberto and, IX 340

Pope's, against Spiritualists, IV 394-95

Anathema Maranatha:

used against Spinoza, XIII 308

Anaxagoras (500?-428 B.C.):

Descartes indebted to, XIII 86

persecuted by mob, XIV 35

taught "new" science, XIII 86

bio-bibliog., XIII 372

Anaximander (611-547 B.C.):

an initiate, VI 204

Anaximenes of Miletus (6th C. B.C.):

animals and, VI 204

nature of matter and, XI 234 (270)


deified by most people, II 176-77

Anchi (Peru):

Inca treasure buried near, II 325

"The Ancient":

called Sophia, Buddhi-Manas or

Christos, XII 313

or "first-born," XII 313

of Job, XII 313

light from, XII 320

Ancient of Days:

Ophanim auxiliaries of, XIV 217

"Ancient of the Ancient":

three Kabalistic Faces of, III 314

Ancient Wisdom:

defenders & detractors, XIII 266

vindication of, XIV 3-4


accused of fetishism, XII 16

connected events with celestial bodies,

V 199 fn.

knowledge of, & modern science, I


never worshipped stars or planets,

XIV 334 reliability of, I 232

Anderson, Dr. James (1680-1739):

——— Book of Constitutions for


on destruction of esoteric MSS., XI 183

bibliog., XI 564

Anderson, Dr. Jerome (1847-1903):

on spiritual monad, XII 58

——— Remarks on the Nutrition of the


H.P.B. recommends, XII 557 fn.


Heath on subsidence of, II 313

Andhakara (Sk.):

abode of darkness, 111402 fn.

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530):

as artist, XIII 182

Andreae, Johann Valentin (1586-1654):

exoteric founder of Rosicrucians, VIII


———— Chymical Marriage:

VIII 260

———— Confessio Fraternitatis:

VIII 257 fn., 258, 259, 260

———— Fama Fraternitatis:

VIII 257 fn., 258, 259, 260

bio-bibliog., VIII 417-18

Andrews, Stephen P.:

Free Love and, IV 143


the heavenly, XIV 187

Humanity in future, XII 700, 702


ancient gods, VIII 139

early man, VIII 367 (386); XIII 23


Josephus and, IX 205 (227)


Sikh teacher, I 373

Anganta Yene (Sk.):

Bhuta and, IV 122


archangel and, XII 50-52

astrologically & esoterically, XIV

315 fn., 328-29, 338, 339-40

Saint Augustine on, XIV 210 fn.

Basilides described orders of, XIV 209

between living & the dead, XII 190

Book of the Recording, XIII 76

Builders of Saint Denys, XIV 209,

210 fn.

Christ as, of Sun, XIV 321, 338

in Christian Kabalism, XIV 315 fn.

Church of the Seven, X 25

Decans and, XIII 9

or Dhyani-Chohans, XIV 58 fn., 210,

328-29, 379, 381

double sets, invented by Latinists,

XIV 72, 327

eating & drinking, VII 208

Elect, & Planetary Spirits, XIV 89,

189, 203-05, 210, 328-29

Elōhim are lower, XIV 212

in Enoch's visions, XIV 39, 77, 79

Fall of, XII 192

four Recording, or Lipika, X 405

Gabriel, XIII 13, 23

God and, 111 261

Guardian, III 272; V 106; VII 196;

XIV 48, 113, 200, 328, 344, 380 fn.

handed down mysterious doctrines, I


Hosts of, XIV 112-13, 189, 200,

202-03, 209-10, 215-16, 314, 328-29,

336, 339-40

incorporeal, VII 187

as Initiates, XIV 83

Kabalistic, XIII 279

of Kabalists & Gnostics, XIV 340,


Lucifer & the fallen, XIV 314, 317

& fn., 327

Man is a fallen, X 169

Manifested Logos is 7 Hierarchies of,

XII 561

Saint Mary's church dedicated to

seven, VIII 21 fn.

men of a superior kind, XII 200

Mikael, XIV 338, 402

Mystic Tau and, XIV 152

number of elect and, XIII 66 fn.

Pagans "plagarized" Christian, XIV

72, 337-40

Planetary, are divine Beings, XIV

314-15, 327-36, 338, 344

Pope Pius V on, VIII 21-22 fn.

principles of man derived from 7

groups of, XII 561

Raziel, Azazēl & Adam, XIV 175

rebirth of monad and, XIII 72

Saints and, XIII 338

Saturn as an, XIV 113, 338-39

Secret Doctrine on higher, XIII 49

Seven, of the Presence, XIV 209,

210 fn., 314, 329, 336, 379

Seven, rule 7 Sacred Planets, XII


Seven Sephirōth as, XIV 189-90, 210

as signs of Zodiac, XIII 23, 279

spirit of Isaiah and, XIII 58

Spirits and, XII 190, 200, 210

Terrestrial, & Jesus, XIV 160-61

twelve Paternal & 12 Maternal, XIII


Vajradhara, Metatron & El-Shaddai,

XIV 402-03

See also Archangel(s); Deva(s)


not in real Books of Moses, VII 255


Persian, adopted by Pharisees, 11145

Pharisaical, originated in Babylonia,

IV 527 Angelus:

meaning of, X 283-84


Eastern proverb on, VIII 137

Angiolini, Luigi:

on death of Cagliostro, XII 87-88

Angiras (Sk.):

definition, V 33 (62)

Angiras Rishi:

primitive author of a Veda, II 208

Anglo-Indian Government:

frees H.P.B. Of spy charge, XIII 206


not inclined to scholarship, II 473-74


IV 523

or Ahriman, XIII 123, 130-32

conquered by Ahura-Mazda, XIII 127,


Creator of Evil, XIII 124-25, 129

destruction of, XIII 125, 127, 129-31

embodiment of man's lowest nature,

XIII 126-29

great sin created by, IV 508

heterogeneity of, XIII 126, 129

jealous of elder brother Ahura-

Mazda, XIII 124-25, 129

as Kama or lust, IV 522

legend of, XIII 129-33

as Matter, IV 520

Mazdean Satan, XIII 131

one of two emanations. XIII 23-24,


as personality, XIII 126, 130-31

two "dogs" save humanity from, IV

519 fn.

See also Ahriman


origin of term animal, VI 9 fn.-10 fn.

Supra-Mundi, XIII 32

Anima[n] (Sk.):

one of the siddhis, II 119, 272-73

Anima Divina:

anima bruta and, VII 228

part of a dual soul, VII 205-06 fn.

Anima Mundi:

or Adi-Buddha, XIV 401, 425

Akaa & Astral Light, XIV 412

or animal magnetism, II 275, 277, 278

child's soul and, VII 221

Life originates in, XII 413

Logos is male aspect of, X 353

Lord of the World or, VIII 51 (73)

or Mahat, X 304

one of the "four faces of Brahma,"

XII 413-14

or Svabhavat, d 293

Universal Archaeus, XIV 10 fn.

World-Soul as reflection of Deity,

XIV 413


absorb particles of excarnate men, I


affected by us through astral light, IX


almost immediately reincarnated, XII


astral soul of, VI 200-01

as automation, VII 27

Bible teaches mercy to, VII 19

bodies of lower, & man's atoms, V


care for, in Bombay, IV 281-82, 299

Catholics on resurrection of, VII


Christians freely slaughter men &, X


cruelty to, IX 127

dream, X 256

a duality in constitution, VI 200

on eating of, VII 12-13; IX 148, 160

endowed with intelligence & soul, VII

12, 19, 28-30, 36, 39, 48

eternal as ourselves, VII 49

evolution of, & man in early Rounds,

X 186 fn.

future state of, not affirmed in O.T,

VII 42

of Genesis, IX 238

has five principles, VI 200

have more instinct & intelligence than

child, VII 35

-headed men, VI 204

higher triad of principles dormant in,

X 313

human &, evolutions, XI 138 fn.

on hunting of, VII 13-14; IX 287

immortality of, asserted in NT., VII


Saint John Chrysostom on, VII 47,

48 fn.

Karma of, VII 45; XII 238-39

killing of, arrests evolution, VII 16,


Leibnitz on souls of, VII 39

lower principles are like untrained, X


man never becomes an, VII 183

manas and, VII 46

may know it thinks, VII 36

misused by man, VIII 249-50

moral status of, undefined by science,

VII 25

no permanent soul in, according to

   Church, VII 22

origin of cold-blooded, XII 708

placed in trance by Tibetans, II 203


protection of, by Chinese governor,

XIII 221

real meaning of rebirth as an, I

362-63 (366-67); V 114

resurrection of, VII 22, 26

¬ishis and, X 175

Dr. Rotura & suspension of life in, I

389-90; 11 202 (205-06)

secret meaning with Anaximenes, VI 204

slaughtering, VII 13-15, VIII 249-50,

X 240, IX 288

soul of, a Force, VII 37

soul of, dies with body Christians say,

VII 14, 25

soul of, immortal?, VII 38-42, 48

soul of, not in devachan, VII 45

suffering of, IX 286-88

survival of death, VI 200-01

symbolical meaning of, VII 111-12

transmigration, XII 238

tried & executed, VI 237

on vivisection of, VII 14-15

warm-blooded, came from atoms of

man, X 175; XII 708

will reach perfection, VII 45-46

Animal Magnetism:

definition, II 275

hooted out of Academies, IV 311

hypnotism and, XII 214, 394-95

intra-cosmic electricity and, X 394

limbs of man and, III 323

Mesmer and, II 275-76; XII 216

Paraclesus practiced & taught, II 275

possibilities of, are infinite, I 399


psychological effects of, III 246-47

Pythagorean name for, II 275

stone-showers and, III 246 et seq.

used in Mysteries & healing, XII 214,


will & mediumship, VI 223

See also Hypnotism; Magnetism;


Animal Nature:

as discord & hate, XI 150

passions of, & rational man, XI 427

Animal Soul:

condition after death, VI 107-08,


divine and, VII 228

as lower triad, X 261

mediums and, III 347

passions of, must be conquered, X

176, 261

passions of past life influence present,

X 176

perishes in gross personalities, V 14-15


powers of, can be used by selfish, IX


seat of passions, IX 256

spiritual &, in earlier evolution, III 384

a substantial force, VII 37

See also Kama-Manas; Kama-Rupa


allegedly singing, IV 154-55


not same as "animism," XII 351 fn.


apostles of negation, XII 141

invade realm of Occultists, XII 351-52

will not prevail, XII 2, 141


inanimate &, erroneous idea, X


Animated Objects:

magically, VII 213-40


secrets of suspended, VI 313-14


as applied to Lower Races, XII

351 fn.

related terms and, XII 351 fn.


animism and, XII 351 fn.

ethereal substance of the soul, I


Anjana, King:

See Eeatzana


ansated cross and, VII 297

Annales d’oculistique:

VII 65 fn.


prehistoric, preserved by Masters, VIII

52-53 (74-75)


as gross material body IV 565, 582


ancient Teacher, III 215-16

Christian trickery & name of, III 217


absolute, unthinkable, XIV 418 fn.

ancients on, XIV 418 & fn.

belief in, & after-death states, I 364


Book of the Dead on, II 11 (22)

Buddhism does not teach, XIV 415-21

complete, awaits depraved, II 11 (22);

XII 622-41

of conscious personal principle, IV 559

contradicted, V 25 (54)

Damodar on, V 25 fn. (54 fn.)

or destruction, I 333-34

as dispersion of matter, XIV 420

of egos, IV 251

of forms, not Spirit, XIV 420

of human spirit, & French T.S., V 126

of individuality in cosmic matter, III

293 fn.

occultists do not teach, V 5

only Osirified can avoid, II 11 (22)

overfeeding Lower Manas can cause,

XII 598

personal, II 9 (20); V 14 (43); VI 177

of personality & Higher Ego, IV 571

et seq.

role of will and, I 298-99

sixteen stages of, VI 179

of soul, 1284, 287, 288-89, 295; XII


or spiritual death, VI 222

total, of personality, rare, V 16 (44)


pagan origin of, XI 65

trinitarian symbolism, XIV 100 & fn.


Homeric term, XI 100

Massey on, VIII 196-97

Anointed One:

Greek root of, VIII 200-01

Jesus never, VIII 362 (380)


corresponds with Coptic ank, VII 297

man, explained by Skinner, X 52 (60)

Anquetil-Duperron, A.H. (1731-1805):

on Ferouer as pure soul, XIV 71 fn.

Hillarion calls theories of, "wild," III 458

on Persian Dev, XIV 71 fn.

translator of Avesta, IV 525

——— Zend-Avesta, ouvrage de

Zoroastre .. . .:

 XIV 71 fn.

bio-bibliog., XIV 506-07

Anselme, de Laon (d. 1117):

XIV 316

Anstey, F (pseud.):

See Guthrie, Thomas A.

Answers to Correspondence:

on doubles & ex-doubles, XII 712-13


do not see red, V 87

entity between two planes, X 381

perceptions of, X 382

sense of color & light, VII 72-73

shows high reasoning powers, X 312

sounds and, VII 74

world of, a lower septenary chain, VII


Antahkarana (Sk.):

on atrophy of, XII 633-34

definitions, V 80 & fn.; XI 493; XII

54, 710

destruction of, causes lunacy XII 408

during sleep & after death, XII 633

fate of incarnation and, XII 710

link between personal & Divine Man,

XII 623-24, 631-34

Lokas and, XII 672

Manas &, as organs of personal

consciousness, IV 548

Manas-, & Pituitary Body, XII 697

is Path, XII 631, 633

premature destruction of, in Vedanta,

XII 634

slain on reaching Absolute Oneness,

XII 634

Antaratma[n] (Sk.):

latent spirit, 1V 336


See Antaƒkarana

Ante-Nicene Fathers:

VI 153-54 fn.

quoted XIII 5, 13 & fn., 23 & fn.,

237 fn.

on early Christian vegetarianism, VII

18 & fn.

bibliog., VI 427; VIII 418

Anthimes, Bishop of Antioch (fl. 3rd C.):

XIV 167

Anthon, Charles (1797-1867):

——— A Classical Dictionary:

on ox of Dionysus, IX 43 fn.

bio-bibliog., IX 404-05

Anthony, Saint (ca. 250-350):

II 125 fn.; XII 269 q.

appointed Lt.-Col., II 180

mark of Tau borne by, XIV 152

pet pig of, III 243

Anthony, Senator Henry Bowen


editor of best newspaper in New

England, I 306


derived from man, III 40

tailless, as missing link, II 185, 187


archaic, premature, IX 284

blended with Theogony, VIII 182

work of Buchanan on, VI 181, 182


in Bible, XIV 67, 205, 208-09

is blasphemy, II 91

caused Atlantean war & flood, XIII


of dogmatic Christianity, VIII 316

Epicurus on, of the Gods, XIV 50 fn.

generator of black magic, XIII 256, 260

of Kabalah, XIV 211-12

of multitude, XIV 50 & fn.

parent of materialism, IX 168

rejected by philosophers, VII 253-54

runs through European metaphysics,

V 89

of "Water of Life," XIV 241-42


as First Principle, XIII 35

in Gnosticism, XIV 205

as "man, son of man," XIV 205

Son of Man, XIII 35


Apocalypse on, XIV 321

Apollo viewed as, XIV 318, 321

idealist branded as, XII 48

de Mirville on Pagan, XIV 71-72 ff.,


or Vice-Verbum, XIV 321


of Theosophists, VI 62


Nature provides, against moral

poisons, I 380

Antigonus I, King of Asia Minor (382-301 B.C.):

King Piyadasi and, V 242

Antiochus Epiphanus (r. 175-163 B.C.):

human sacrifice and, IX 43 fn.

Antiochus I, Soter, King of Syria

(324?-262 B.C.):

King Piyadasi and, V 242


cyclopaedia of world's, required, II


New World's, least known, II 303 et



repudiation of, is fatal, XIII 155

Anti Types:

spiritual, VIII 201-02


futuristic invention, XIII 291

named by Himalayan Colleague, XIII


Annum (Anc. Italy):

"tomb" of Mysteries, VIII 205

Antonius, Marcus (83?-30 B.C.):

never traveled sans an astrologer, XIV


Anu (Sk.):

or atom in Kosmic trinity of Hindus,

XII 149

Brahma as, X 371, 385

Anudruta Magadha (Sk.):

written characters, V 246 fn.


 on senses, X 338

bibliog., X 412

Anugraha (Sk.):

in Puranas the 8th creation, XIV 199




Anupapadaka(s) (Sk.):

definitions, X 344 fn.; XII 612 fn.

Dhyanis are, X 344

first born of Space, XIV 202 & fn.

found in all religions, XIV 289

the "Great Wheel" was, X 346

Kabiri of Ili, XIV 202

meaning, XIV 202 fn.

parentless, XIII 9

Anupapadaka Tattva (Sk.):

correspondences, XII 612, 614


See Mahabharata

Anuttara-Samyak-Sa~mbodhi (Sk.):

definitions, VI 100, 102; XIV 409 fn.

heart of Perfect Ones, XIV 409 fn.

result of unity with, XIV 409

sacred truths shown only to seekers

of, VI 100

Anvaya (Sk.):

definition, I 336


evil often the result of over-, VI 332


altar to in Babylon, XIII 281

or Iao as Jehovah, XIII 281 fn.

or Saturn, XIII 281 & fn.

Aparoksha (Sk.):

Paroksha &, defined, V 337

realization, V 337

Apas Tattva (Sk.):

correspondences, XII 612, 614, 622

Apavarga (Sk.):

emancipation from births, IV 609


on Gibraltar, II 337

man and, IX 283

man of Third Round more an, VII 69

& fn.


on occultism, VIII 14

Oriental, XII 427-76


carries away Phaëton, VIII 17

as divine nature, VIII 19

See also Venus


planet Venus as, VIII 18


ancient sanctuary of, in Syria, VIII



Bull worship, XI 74

Mnevis &, the sacred bulls, XIII 322


See Revelation


Anglican Church article on, XIV

319 fn.

cp. to New Testament, XIV 109

are crude tradition, XIV 109

Epoch & other lost works, XIII


so-called, texts, XIII 232-34

Apocryphal Gospels:

suggestive allegories in, VIII 216


allegory of, & sons of, VIII 191-92

born on 25th of December, II 164

Christ identified with, XIV 318, 343

a cosmic verity, XIV 72 fn.

Cyprian vowed to, XIV 163-64

as Ferouer of Christ, XIV 71 fn.

initiated his son Orpheus, XIV 269

invoked on day of sun, XIV 350

Jesus and, VIII 203

killed the Python, XIII 57; XIV 287

lyre of, XIV 269, 271 fn.

sound and, VII 67

as Sun, XI 97

viewed as Antichrist, XIV 318


Catholic view of, VIII 25

Apollonius of Tyana (fl. 1st C.):

XI 214 (250)

Adept who rivalled Jesus, XIV 133,


apparitions of, X 224

Arabian ghooleh and, VI 170

on aristocratic associations, XIV 130,


astral spirit freed by, XIV 131, 300

biography of, Hermetic allegory, XIV


Church viewed, as Wizard, XIV 107,

129-30, 132, 135 fn.

delivers friend from succubus, XII 197

disappeared at death, XIV 129, 135

discoursed with Brahmans &

Menippus, XIV 127

a divine incarnation, XIV 49 fn.

enshrined by philosophers &

historians, XIV 135-36

exorcised demons & the plague, XIV


facts & legends about, III 174-75 & fn.

foresaw future, XIV 300

founded new school, XIV 130

as Initiate, IX 20 fn.; XIV 253

innate knowledge of languages, XIV 134

Jesuits called, "medium of Satan,"

XIV 132, 137

last of Initiates of old, IV 516 fn.

Life of, repressed, VIII 203 fn. ‘

life veiled in mystery, XIV 128-31,

135, 138-41

lived for the world, XI 219 (255)

magical evocation of, by Éliphas Lévi,

I 144 et seq.

a mediator, I 299

Menippus and, IX 359 fn. (387 fn.)

miracles attested by History, XIV 130,


miracles of St. John duplicated by,

XIV 133

de Mirville's account denigrates, XIV

129 fn., 132-33

name related to Sun, VIII 202-03;

   XIV 138

narrative based on Zodiacal signs,

   XIV 128, 138

a Nirmanakaya, not Avatara, XIV

49 fn.

opposed bigotry, cant & hypocrisy,

XIV 130

Pherecydes and, XIII 237-38

revered by Caracalla & Alexander

Severus, XIV 135

saved Tyana posthumously, XIV

135-36 fn.

 as seer, XIV 300

tortured, XIV 278

united to his Christos, IX 21 fn.

unrivalled Theurgist, XIV 128, 130,

132, 133-35, 300

———— Nychthēmeron:

or period of 24 hours, XIII 8

Apollonius of Tyana:

See Mead, G.R.S.

Apollonius Rhodius (2nd C. B.C.):

XI 484

bio-bibliog., XI 564


Dragon in Egyptian Ritual, XII 626

Dragon of second death, XII 635

repelled by sacred name, XII 639


secret discourses, II 90


borrowed from Epoch, XIV 78-79

crucifix horrified, XIV 153

"divine" inspiration of, XIV 317-18 fn.

existence of, unproved, V 252

Jesus taught, after his death, XIV 161

modern, & missionaries, XII 256

Oriental Church faithful to, XIV 125

Paul knew Jesus' teachings best, XIV 122

succession of, V 252

See also John; Matthew; Peter; etc.

Apostolic Constitutions:

VIII 221


licensed leech for bleeding pockets, IV 73


to hear & see people at any distance,

IV 112


of adepts & thoughts, X 224

child-, & Dr. Monck, I 351

of disembodied ego rare, IV 246

drawn from Astral Light in séance, III